10 Bank Stocks Worth Owning For the Long Term
Investors who have an interest in adding to their portfolios should consider investing in bank stocks. This is particularly true if there are no financial companies within the current portfolio. These long term options are a good way to diversify. Keep reading to learn more about the ten bank stocks that we recommend for consideration.
1. JPMorgan (JPM)
JP Morgan bank stocks are a good bet as the bank is the largest in the United States with reference to its revenue and deposits as well as decent earnings results in the first quarter of 2019. They also happen to be the biggest in terms of investment banking and the issuing of credit cards. JP Morgan is diversified with four types of operation including, asset and wealth management, commercial banking, corporate and investment banking and consumer and community banking, with strong business backing and excellent potential for growth.
2. Wilshire Bancorp (WIBC)
Wilshire Bancorp of Los Angeles is another recommended bank stock. The stock was analyzed by six expert analysts who form opinions on the direction that the stock is likely to take based upon several factors including past and current performance, endeavors the institution is currently involved in, debt and other factors. Of the six analysts rendering their opinion on advisement regarding this stock six remained neutral with one recommending that it’s time to buy.
3. Blue Hills Bancorp Inc (BHBK)
Blue Hills Bancorp Inc stock gets an A+ rating. The bank is the Nantucket Bank’s holding company.They offer a full range of banking services including checking and savings accounts, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, and more. The bank is an established institution that was started in 1871 in Norwood, Massachusetts.
4. First National Corp/VA (FXNC)
First National Corp/VA is a bank stock that has received an A+ rating. Although its ratings from analysts were all over the chart, it received a 79 percent rating from Motley Fool’s methodology. Peter Lynch’s methodology gives it an even higher rating of 93 percent. It’s a bank stock that long term investors should certainly investigate and consider
5. Trico Bancshares (TCBK)
Trico Bancshares is another bank stock worth considering. The bank was established in 1975 and it offers Northern and Central California customers unique customer service, covering small business, commercial and consumer banking as well as other financial service. The brokerage services for TriCo Bankshares is accomplished through their affiliations with the well-respected Raymond James Financial Services. This bank covers a smaller segment of the population yet has a sunny outlook, making it another good bank stock for consideration.
6. City Holding Co (CHCO)
City Holding Company is rated with an A+ by analysts. This financial holding company is involved with providing banking services for the community as well as other financial services including commercial and mortgage loans, wealth management services, trust services, loans, credit and debit cards checking accounts, and mobile and online banking. The headquarters is located in Charleston, West Virginia and it is owned by BlackRock Fund Advisors. City Holding Co is another bank stock that is worth considering when looking or a long term stock investment to expand an investment portfolio.
HSBC has been in operation since 1865 and has established a solid reputation in addition to being one of the largest banks on the globe. The bank is based in London, England and is geographically diversified over five continents with four main sectors for business. These include global private banking, commercial banking, global banking and markets and retail banking and wealth management, which is their largest revenue generating sector. HSBC has weathered tough financial times in the European market and beyond and it’s shown remarkable stability throughout its long history.
8. Republic Bancorp Inc/KY (RBCAA)
Republic Bancorp Inc is another bank stock that has been given an A+ rating by some analysts. Of course, it depends on which methodology is used to ascertain the ratings and not all analysts always agree on the recommendations, but it appears to be yet another bank stock for long term investment that is worth taking a second look at. RBCAA stock has had its shares of ups and downs and after a sharp downturn, it’s slowly beginning to rise to what appears to be another high if it maintains a consistent pattern. This makes it a stock that is worth considering to buy at this time, and the performance has overall, been stable with nice growth periods.
9. Community Bank System, Inc (CBU)
Community Bank System is bank stock that has been given an A rating by The Street methodology with a recommendation that now is the time to buy. CBU is a financial holding company involved with business, retail and municipal banking services and the company maintains operations within three segments. These include Employee benefit services, banking and all other services which fall into more of a miscellaneous category. This is a stock that may not have the highest rating of A+ but it’s one that certainly has the potential for being an asset when looking at long term investment.
10. First Republic Bank (FRC)
First Republic Bank has been given a rating of A+ by analysts who suggest that now is a good time to purchase the bank stock. It was recently added to the S&P 500 index and the stock is seeing a revival in demand. The new interest is due to the fact that the public offering is so new and an analysis of the growing market interest in the company shows that it’s one bank stock that long term investors who are ready to expand their portfolios should definitely consider.