10 Things You Didn’t Know about Carra Wu
Carra Wu is a person of some note in the world of cryptocurrencies. This is because she has become a cryptocurrency investor for the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz even though she is still in her 20s. Something that has resulted in a fair amount of interest from cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
1. Born and Raised in the Suburbs of Chicago, IL
Wu was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. Chances are good that interested individuals can guess that the Chicago metropolitan area is huge. This can be seen in how it is the third-largest metropolitan area that can be found in the United States. Moreover, this can be seen in how it just makes the list of the 40 largest metropolitan areas that can be found in the entire world. There was a time when the Chicago metropolitan area was seeing its population fall. However, said figure has been rising in more recent times.
2. Did Ballet
At one point in time, Wu was a member of the Harvard Ballet Company, which suggests a fair amount of commitment to the art form. Nowadays, more people are doing ballet than ever before. However, it isn’t hard to see why people tend to be less than enthused about pursuing an actual career as a ballet dancer. The number of applicants exceeds the number of available positions, meaning that there is fierce competition for them. Unsurprisingly, this means that ballet dancers tend not to be paid very well, as shown by how ballet teachers tend to be better-compensated than ballet dancers. On top of this, ballet is just very demanding even for people who are in their physical prime.
3. Is Trilingual
It is interesting to note that Wu is trilingual. She speaks both English and Chinese at a native level. Furthermore, Wu is good enough with Spanish to claim a professional working proficiency.
4. Went to Harvard University
Education-wise, Wu went to Harvard University, which is one of the most famous universities that can be found in the entire world. However, she is better-known for dropping out of the school when she saw a suitable opportunity come up. Apparently, when Wu was at Harvard University, she studied applied mathematics. Said field is very wide-ranging in nature, which makes sense because applied mathematics can see use for a wide range of purposes in a wide range of contexts.
5. Spent Some Time Working At Apptimize
Wu dropped out of Harvard University for the purpose of working at Apptimize, which is focused on helping out clients with their A/B testing as well as their release management. During that time, she held the position of chief of staff to the company’s CEO, which was presumably a role with a fair amount of power. Still, Wu’s time with Apptimize was relatively short, seeing as how it lasted a total of seven months before she headed elsewhere.
6. Now Working For Andreessen Horowitz
Nowadays, Wu is working for the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. Unsurprisingly, it is named thus because it was founded by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz. People who pay a lot of attention to tech start-ups might be familiar with Andreessen Horowitz under either this name or a16z. This is because the venture capital firm has an interest in a number of much talked-about tech fields such as mobile, gaming, e-commerce, enterprise IT, and cryptocurrency.
7. She Is a Cryptocurrency Investor For Andreessen Horowitz
In Wu’s case, she is a cryptocurrency investor for Andreessen Horowitz. It has been more than a decade since cryptocurrencies were introduced. However, they remain a subject of much discussion by a wide range of people with a wide range of perspectives on the matter. Still, cryptocurrencies have proven that they won’t be going away as a whole anytime soon, though the same is by no means guaranteed to be true for every single cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency-related company out there. If anything, cryptocurrencies have earned their reputation for volatility, which says much about the confidence placed in cryptocurrency investors.
8. Has an Interest in Player-Owned Economies
Wu has stated that she has an interest in player-owned economies. For those who are curious, those are pretty much exactly what they sound like, which is to say, games with blockchain tech that will enable interested individuals to own pieces of those games. It remains to be seen how successful the concept will be. The idea of players owning in-game assets isn’t exactly a new one. However, the surge of interest in blockchain tech means that more than one gaming company has shown interest in how they can benefit from that surge. Something that the players themselves haven’t necessarily responded to with the same level of enthusiasm. Still, consumers have been known to spend a lot of money on in-game assets when everything has been packaged together in the right way, so it isn’t hard to see why gaming companies might be interested in this kind of thing.
9. Has an Interest in DAO-Level Coordination
Similarly, Wu has stated that she has an interest in DAO-level coordination. DAO stands for decentralized autonomous organization. The original DAO was created in the belief that an automated system would eliminate human error as well as human manipulation when it came to cryptocurrency transactions. In practice, well, suffice to say that it proved to be very vulnerable to human-launched attacks, which is why it no longer exists in the present time. Still, there remains a great deal of interest in decentralized autonomous organizations as a concept, though they are at a relatively early point in their existence. Thanks to that, much remains unsettled about them, though to be fair, chances are good that just makes them more interesting for a lot of people out there.
10. Has Compared DAOs to Historical Venice
Wu has compared DAOs to historical Venice. Generally speaking, we see Venice as a tourist destination. However, there was a time when the Republic of Venice held a maritime empire of its own. Eventually, its economic power and then its military power faded, with the result that it became subject to stronger powers. In any case, Wu’s point was that the historical Venice didn’t invent the factors of its success on its own. Instead, its innovative structure enabled it to bring those factors together. Similarly, she thinks that DAOs could do the same thing in modern times.