How Much Does it Really Cost to Attend a Pittsburgh Steelers Game?
When you’re getting ready to make your way to Pittsburgh and view a game in the stands you might want to check your wallet and see if it’s worth the price. It will be worth the experience without a doubt but it’s hard to enjoy that experience when your wallet is aching from the pummeling it can take from any NFL arena. The prices have been keeping steady in some locations but going up steadily in others as the cost of inflation and of doing business have continued to rise over the years. Going to a game is definitely worth it, but the effect it has on your finances can be a little rough since some places won’t even give you advanced warning as to what it’s going to cost you to have a good time. It’s very easy to stay positive about going to see a live game, it’s an experience that some people might not get more than once in their lives after all.
Just make sure that it’s memorable for the right reasons.
The tickets aren’t the worst in the NFL.
Just like an stadium you’re going to be able to see the ticket prices go up and up and up if you’re wanting the premium seats that are as close to the action as you can get. That’s just natural, the privilege of being closer to the team is something you have to pay more for. But if you really want to just get into the stadium the average price is going to run from the $90 range to around $127 give or take few cents. It’s not the worst price in the league but like any other place if you’re planning on taking more than just yourself you’re going to want to save up for the day since the cost of more than one ticket is going to start climbing pretty quickly. Getting into the stadium isn’t the hardest part though. With some teams it costs less to get in to see them than it does once you’re in and want to have the full experience.
Before you get there, decide on whether or not parking is a necessity.
Take public transportation if it’s feasible, be smart. There are always a couple of ways at least to get to a stadium and they don’t always involve taking the most expensive route. For what it will cost for parking you and those going with you could probably take public transportation for much less. It won’t be as comfortable probably but it will still manage to get you there and save a few bucks. For those that don’t feel the need to worry bout this parking might run as much as $48 and up, but for those that want to save the money they’ll be able to have a least a little something extra during their visit since parking can start to get kind of pricey. Plus, if you’re a traveler coming from out of state and have either flown in or taken another means of transport then the hotel cost that you’ll incur coming in will make relying on public transport a lot easier than renting a car and paying to park it. That’s just common sense to be honest.
It’s kind of unnerving when a stadium won’t reveal their prices online.
Some of them will and you’ll get a better idea of just what you’ll have to bring with you in order to afford the fare at the stadium, but while Heinz field is very proud of announcing what kind of meals they serve they definitely stay mum about the price. When a beer is $8 though you can imagine that the food is going to be kind of expensive. Plus, it’s not just hot dogs, pretzels, burgers, and nachos. They’ve gone a bit fancier and added meal items like peirogi’s to their menu as well. So for the upscale food you know it’s going to be more expensive, just as a rule. Plus there’s also the merchandise that will be on sale and extremely tempting as well. For food and other stuff you might want to think about bringing at least $100 per person, minimum. The good thing about Heinz Stadium though is that they have a two-drink cut off, which means that you won’t be allowed to get soused while you’re at the game. They also stop serving alcohol after the third quarter, which is kind of helpful, and they do allow various foodstuffs into the stadium provided that it’s carried in clear plastic baggies. So they’re understanding in some way at least.
So tallying all that up you’re probably going to want to plan on bringing around $250 per person to the game just to play it safe. Of course if you purchase the tickets online then you’ll only need about $100-$150 to be safe, with extra money for parking if you decide to drive. Remember though, for all that it costs, it’s the experience that counts.