10 Rules of Success According to Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vaynerchuk is a 4 time New York Times best selling author responsible for delivering “10 Rules of Success.” This is his contribution to help us all find our way to living the most successful life possible. His offerings are interspersed with humor, which makes the precepts easier to remember as he offers what he believes to be the basics of what it takes to get ahead, pull out of the chaos and become successful in our endeavors.
1. “Die on your own sword”
Vaynerchuk shares that it’s better to die on your own sword than to die on someone else’s. He goes on to explain that what he really means is that so many of us become a “yes person” on the job. We don’t go with our own gut feelings and ideas because we are pandering to the boss and the way that he thinks situations should be approached. Break out, think for yourself and start doing things the way you know they should be done.
2. “Choose positivity”
Whether you’re winnng or losing, you should choose positivitity over negativity. Many people see things as black or white and they don’t realize that the one thing that they can control is whether they see things positively or otherwise. This is a mindset and it is a personal choice that each of us can make. Vaynerchuk repeats that we should ‘dump the negativity, add the positivity.’
3. “Create things you believe in”
It’s okay to sell things as long as you believe what you’re selling. Whether you’re selling products or promoting ideas of putting on events, you must really believe in what you’re doing or selling. If you believe in something you can more easily sell it. If you must put pressure on yourself to do something, let it be to create something that you believe in.
4. “Get feedback”
There is a great benefit in getting feedback from your consumers. They give you good information that will help you to understand the impact that you are making in their lives. Read what others have to say about you and the services or products that you’re delivering to them so you’ll understand their perceptions.
5. “Have fun”
You need to have fun in whatever you’re doing. Fun is the gateway to a ridiculous amount of work and getting it done while enjoying it.
6. “Be 100% Accountable”
When there’s an issue you need to be one hundred percent accountable. When you know that something is bad, don’t ever poiint the finger at someone else. Take credit and responsibility where it is due. This is one of the things that is necessary to become successful. Be grounded in your perspective and be accountable for everything that you do and accept the responsibility.
7. “Don’t rest on your laurels”
Vaynerchuk goes on to discuss how so many businesses who didn’t believe in the internet or want to use it to sell their products have lost out to Amazon which is making a killing in online sales. If you rest on your laurels and don’t get involved in the action, someone else is going to do it and reap the benefits of taking action while your business falls behind and can no longer compete. The Toys R Us dilemma is a good example.
8. “Know you customers”
One of the most important things that you an do is to listen to what your customers have to say and find out all that you can about them. By knowing who they are, what they want and what they need you will have a better idea of how to give it to them. If you don’t know your customers you will be at a distinct disadvantage. Sales people need to care about their customers and what they truly want and need instead of just trying to sell them something.
9. “Develop a winners mindset”
It helps you 8 out o 10 times to have the right mindset. Whether things around you are going well or going terribly, you need to hang on to a positive mindset that keeps you focused on what you’re doing even if natural catastrophes are going on around you. You keep going and doing what you need to regardless of what’s happening on the outside.
10″ Get your speed up”
Whether you’re focusing on blogs or influencers or developing a new podcast, you need to get your speed up. The earth is moving and there is instabillity which gives an innovator the advantage. You must learn to be comfortable in controlled chaos. Check ego and subjectiveness at the door and plan to get moving when there is controlled chaos because this is the time when you can achieve real success.