10 Types of Doctors Arranged by Highest Average Salary


When you are referred to a specialist physician and you get the bill, it’s usually a big shock. It’s guaranteed to be a lot higher than your family physician or neighborhood clinic charges. Those with insurance are fortunate but may still end up paying a percentage of a very large medical bill. Have you ever wondered how much specialists really make per year on average? We checked it out and discovered the 10 types of doctors who make the highest annual salaries on average. We’ve arranged them in order of the lower paid to the highest from 10 to 1.

10. Pediatric physician: Average annual salary: $202,000.

Pediatric doctors specialize in treating babies and very young children. They treat children in this age group as a general children’s practice but it’s a form of specialization. Some pediatric doctors will take it a step further and add additional specializations in childhood diseases or even become pediatric surgeons.

9. Family Medicine physicians: Average annual salary: $209,000

The annual salary for physicians who specialize in the practice of family medicine average higher annual salaries than those who specialize in pediatrics. They must be proficient in a broader spectrum of knowledge to treat family members from birth through the elderly and all ages in between. Some family medicine practitioners only treat children who have surpassed the age at which a pediatrician would treat them while others treat family members of all ages.

8. Endocrinologists: Average annual salary: $220,000

Endocrinologists specialize in the endocrine system and problems that occur with balances in the hormonal systems of the body. An example is thyroid disease or other problems related to glandular disorders.

7. Internal Medicine specialists: Average annual salary: $225,000

Internal medicine specialists, also known as internists specialize in the prevention of adult diseases as well as the diagnosis and treatment of such. They often engage in physical examinations when there is an unknown problem and conduct series’ of testing procedures to determine the nature of the problem. Family practitioners refer patients to internists when they suspect the presence of an adult disease, confirm it or when they are unable to confirm the cause of the problem. The scope of duties for an internist is broad in the field but are not considered to be general.

6. Infectious disease specialist: Average annual salary: $228,000

An infectious disease physician is a doctor who has specialized with advanced knowledge of a broad variety of infections that occur within the human body. These specialized doctors are also known as an ID doctor.

5. Otolaryngologist: Average annual salary: $398,000

A doctor of otolaryngology is one who specializes in any diseases or disorders of the nose, throat, and ears as well as issues occurring with the neck and head. They specialize in the treatment and surgical management of patients who experience issues in these areas.

4. Urologist: Average annual salary: $400,000

Urologists are doctors specializing in the kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, adrenal glands, male fertility, and reproductive organs and the genitourinary tract. They are trained in the treatment, and when necessary, surgical management of diseases and conditions affecting these organs and systems.

3. Cardiologist: Average annual salary: $410,000

Cardiologists are physicians with specializations in the diagnosis of and treatment of medical conditions that involve the vascular system and the heart. A part of the job of a cardiologist is to treat patients with cardiovascular disease as well as to instruct them on how to improve cardiovascular health as well as informing those who have not yet been diagnosed with any of these conditions about their risk factors as assessed by a family and personal history assessment and relative laboratory testing.

2. Plastic surgeon: Average annual salary: $440,000

A plastic surgeon is a physician who has undergone specialized training in how to treat patients who have experienced trauma and to perform surgery techniques in specialized areas of the body. Some plastic surgeons limit their practice to non-essential cosmetic surgical practices while some others specialize in procedures that help to restore normal or near-normal functioning to areas of the body which have sustained extreme trauma.

1. Orthopedist: Average annual salary: $489,000

An orthopedist is the highest paid medical doctor with an average annual salary of just under a half million dollars. These physicians specialize in the treatment of patients of all ages who are experiencing issues with their musculoskeletal system which includes the nerves, bones, joints, connective tissue and so forth. Most of these doctors specialize in the treatment of diseases which are debilitating, including but not limited to bursitis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other conditions.

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