A Closer Look at The Converse Golf le Fleur

If you haven’t seen a pair of the Converse Golf le Fleur shoes, you’re in for a surprise of the very best kind. Now you know that these shoes are made by Converse, so to a certain extent, you’re probably expecting certain details to be there. Rest assured, this is a design that is very different from anything that Converse has ever done in the past, but the company is smart. They know better than to mess with the staples that have made their shoes popular for decades.

Therefore, you can expect the same level of comfort out of these shoes that you can any other shoe design by the corporation. The sole is almost exactly the same as it is on all of the other Converse sneakers, including the piece that goes over the top of the toe. The shoes are also high tops and they lace up, maintaining that very familiar overall design that people have come to expect. That being said, that’s about where the similarities between these shoes and other Converse designs end.

The major change here is that the shoes are designed out of a unique material. Think of a mesh like material that makes the shoes look like they are woven together instead of constructed out of solid material. It’s not like the standard cloth material that is sewn together that so many Converse shoes have been made out of in the past. This is a very lightweight, breathable material that makes you feel almost as if you’re not even wearing shoes at all, except your feet have all of the comfort, support and protection that they need whenever you decide to go for a walk, even when you’re walking over rocks. In other words, Converse has done their homework on this design and they got it right. In short, it is the material that makes all the difference. In case you haven’t already guessed, these shoes are made out of burlap, and that completely changes the name of the game when it comes to finding a unique shoe that doesn’t look like everything else available on the market and doesn’t sacrifice comfort.

What if you want to try a new pair of these shoes but you’re not really sold on the whole idea of burlap? There is a design in this special line of shoes that’s made out of standard material, yet still features the Golf le Fleur design. That way, die-hard fans of previous Converse sneakers can bring themselves along in baby steps instead of making the leap to shoes made out of burlap, something that might be a rather foreign concept for some individuals.

There’s also a kid’s version involved. The shoes are made out of burlap and instead of high tops, it’s a regular low-top sneaker with a special flower design on the side. As is the case with the burlap shoes for adults, these shoes are lightweight and they have a tendency to let air flow through the material so your feet don’t get nearly as hot during warmer temperatures as they might in some other sneakers. Regardless of what you choose, you know the shoes are going to be comfortable if they’re designed by Converse. The company merely wouldn’t have it any other way.

This is all part of a special collection from Converse that’s part of the Golf le Fleur series. In reality, Converse has a whole line of products featuring this particular collection, ranging from shoes to sweatshirts. It’s all masterminded by Tyler the Creator, working in conjunction with Converse in order to create something new and dynamic. There’s no doubt that when you put these two powerhouses together, you’re going to come up with something that’s reminiscent of all of the history that Converse possesses, yet is very innovative at the same time.

Converse always has been and will undoubtedly continue to be one of the foremost manufacturers of sneakers and performance athletic footwear in the world. They know what their customers want and they know how to deliver without disappointing them. This is just one more item to add to the collection. For anyone that remembers their first pair of Converse sneakers with a smile, it’s exciting to think about a new collection that adds a slightly new twist to things. Before you know it, you might be sporting your very own new pair of Converse shoes made out of burlap for all the world to see.

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