10 Things You Didn’t Know about CDW CEO Christine A. Leahy

Christine Leahy is the Chief Executive Officer of Canadian- based company CDW. If you think that learning more about someone in this position might not be the most exciting reading you’ve done in a while, you might want to see what she’s really all about first. She is unquestionably one of the most dynamic business professionals in the world and for her, it’s not just about being a CEO. In reality, it’s more about being a good person and making a difference. If you want to know more, keep reading.

1. She previously served as the vice president of the company

She didn’t move to the position of CEO from another company. Instead, she was hired from directly within the same company, having served as the vice president before she was ever picked for the position of CEO.

2. She attended Brown University

You have to be smart to get into a place like Brown University and she proved it time and again after she got there, too. She did very well while she was attending the university and upon graduation, she even made the decision to go on and attend law school. If that wasn’t a big enough challenge for her, she then went on to complete a couple of different professional programs at other esteemed colleges, one of them Chicago’s Northwestern University.

3. She also served as the legal officer for the company before she became CEO

While she was serving as the vice president, she was also the company’s legal officer. Obviously, deciding to go to law school and get that degree paid off as well.

4. She decided to go to law school after she graduated Brown University

This is already been touched on but it’s definitely worth mentioning again. Most people would have a difficult enough time just getting into Brown University, much less graduating. Law school was a huge undertaking and she talked of that like it was almost nothing. She also excelled while she was there.

5. She gives back to causes involving kids

She’s never been one to sit still and she certainly doesn’t believe in doing that when it comes to kids. She’s always admitted that she has a soft spot for kids deep down inside and as a result, she wants to do everything she can to make sure that they have an opportunity to live happy, healthy lives where they have chances for success. She’s involved in a number of different causes that help to ensure kids that might otherwise fall through the cracks don’t get overlooked.

6. She’s also all about creating opportunities for women

Just as she believes in creating more opportunities for kids, she also thinks it’s important to create similar types of opportunities for women. Despite her success in the business world, she realizes all too well but for the most part, these opportunities are still open to men. In the future, she would like to see more women taking these types of leadership roles and she realizes that in order for that to happen, they must be given the right opportunities as they go through their own journey.

7. She often gets involved in causes for her hometown

She loves the city of Chicago and she easily considers that her hometown. As a result, she’s not afraid to jump in when it comes to causes that will benefit that city. She realizes that Chicago is a place that has some serious issues but it’s also a place of absolute beauty where wonderful things can happen. She wants to shift the scales, so to speak, so that those are the things people think of when they hear the name Chicago as opposed to thinking about crime and injustice.

8. She’s used to doing things no one else has done before

You might not be surprised by this point realize that she’s definitely not someone who simply follows the leadership of others. Instead, she creates her own. As a matter of fact, she’s accustomed to doing things that haven’t really been done before.

9. She loves it when someone tells her she can’t do something

When someone says something can’t be done, some people simply put their heads down and walk away. If you tell her something can’t be done, she becomes more determined than ever to prove that not only can it be accomplished, but it can be done well.

10. She believes in never giving up

Clearly, she’s not someone that gives up easily. As a matter of fact, she doesn’t believe in giving up because as long as you’re trying, there’s still a chance that you might succeed, no matter how slim that chance might seem at the time.

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