How Much Does a Windshield Replacement Cost?

It isn’t uncommon for windshields to sustain some level of damage at some point in time. Sometimes, it happens because of gravel falling from a construction truck with an uncovered top. Other times, it happens because a car kicks up something hard enough and fast enough to cause a crack, a chip, or something similar. There are even stories of windshields getting damaged because of birds slamming into them for one reason or another.

Whatever the cause, when a windshield gets damaged, it needs to be either repaired or replaced. Generally speaking, repairing a windshield is both faster and less expensive than replacing a windshield, which is why it tends to be the favored option for a lot of people out there. However, it is important to note that there is a limit to what can be repaired, meaning that in cases of damage of sufficient seriousness, there is no choice besides replacing the windshield.

There are a lot of general rules that are brought up whenever people need to figure out whether to repair or replace a damaged windshield. For example, there are some windshield specialists that have stated that so long as the problem can be covered up with something the size of a dollar bill, it is probably safe to repair. In contrast, if the damage is either in the driver’s line of sight, at the edges of the windshield, or consists of three or more cracks and chips, replacement is almost certainly the better option than repairing. Something that is particularly true when the windshield is old enough to have seen plenty of wear and tear even without blatant signs of damage.

How Much Will It Cost to Get Your Windshield Replaced?

Of course, cost will be an important issue. Unfortunately, there is no standard price for a windshield replacement. Instead, there is a range of prices that interested individuals might have to pay, which is why they might want to shop around a bit to see what prices they can get from their local windshield specialists. Generally speaking, interested individuals should expect the cost to be somewhere between a low of $185 and a very high of $1,000, which should include the windshield as well as the cost for the labor needed to install the windshield. However, most cases tend towards the lower end of this range, as shown by figures suggesting that the average cost of windshield replacement is somewhere between $214 and $255. With that said, interested individuals may or may not end up paying such sums because depending on their deductible as well as other coverage conditions for their insurance policies, they might only need to pay a part of their costs.

On the plus side, a windshield replacement is one of the more straightforward tasks out there. As a result, the entire process can be completed in less than an hour. In fact, this is the reason that there are windshield replacement services that can come to the car owner instead of needing the car owner to go to them.

Why Should You Get Your Windshield Replaced Sooner Rather than Later?

Having said this, if someone notices a potential problem with their windshield, they should head in to see a windshield specialist as soon as possible. In part, this is because chips and cracks can worsen with remarkable speed, meaning that a windshield that was repairable might not remain so unless it gets checked out by a technician. However, it should also be noted that states often have strict rules about the condition that a windshield has to be in, meaning that interested individuals might want to contact a windshield specialist sooner rather than later lest they run afoul of the law.

Whatever the case, there is no excuse for people to drive around with a windshield that has been damaged. This is particularly true because damaged windshields can actually pose a serious threat to the driver as well as the other passengers’ well-being. For example, a functional windshield is needed for the proper deployment of the airbags in some cars, meaning that a damaged windshield comes with a higher chance of people coming to harm. Likewise, a damaged windshield means higher chances of injury for everything from roll-overs to front-end collisions, which is why it should always be treated with absolute seriousness.

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