10 Things you Didn’t Know about HP’s CEO Dion Weisler
Every once in awhile someone will come along that is truly unique, not only in their ability to do a particular job but in the way they view the world and their place in it. One such individual is the Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett Packard, Dion Weisler. There are many things about this individual that allow him to stand out from the crowd, which is obviously one of the reasons that he was eventually chosen for the position he currently holds. If you want to know more about him, feel free to read through the list below.
1. He’s originally from Australia
Although he’s lived in the United States for quite some time, he was originally born in Australia. Like many Australians, he enjoyed his time there and still considers it home, even to this day.
2. He now resides in California
These days, his job basically requires that he reside in a different location. He eventually settled on the California coast and he’s lived there for a number of years. As a matter of fact, this location works out almost perfectly with his job at HP, where he’s held his current position since 2015.
3. He graduated from Australia’s Monash University
He was always interested in learning more about computers. As such, he made the decision to attend the university and get his bachelor’s degree in computing. This isn’t one of the easiest subjects to achieve this type of degree in, so he learned the value of hard work in order to succeed in college. This is something that he still carries with him today in everything he does, both in his professional and his personal life.
4. He loves talking about his native country
There just seems to be something about Australia that makes people proud to be from that area. Like most Australians, he’s perhaps more at home when he has the opportunity to talk about his native country and all of the things that he loves about it. He might be living in the United States and nothing says that he doesn’t love it, but he is an Australian through-and-through, even to this day.
5. He’s a family man
He’s also a family man. He’s married and has two relatively young children. Despite his busy work schedule, he makes it a point to put his family first no matter what else is going on. He realizes that when it’s all said and done, jobs can come and go, but family will always be by your side.
6. He admits that he still feels relatively new to the position at HP
In reality, three years isn’t all that long to feel at home in a position that is exceedingly difficult. While he’s very good at his job, he’s also quick to admit that there are times when he still feels like something of a newcomer. He definitely has an innate talent that he brings to the position, but it’s refreshing to see someone that’s also willing to admit that they’re sometimes out of their comfort zone.
7. He likes the idea of bringing his children up with more traditional values
He far prefers to bring his children up with the types of values that people routinely had 30 or even 40 years ago. As a result, he teaches his children the value of hard work, the value of a dollar, and to be respectful of other people.
8. He’s no stranger to hard work himself
One of the reasons that he insists on raising his children with more traditional values is because he has learned the value of hard work himself. As previously mentioned, he was involved in one of the more difficult degree programs in college and he learned how important it is to set a schedule and stick to it as well as to prioritize. He also lives his life by a certain code where he puts others first and lives by ethics as opposed to doing anything he needs to do to get ahead.
9. He believes that you can accomplish your dreams as long as you don’t give up
He’s never been one to settle and he believes that you can accomplish anything you want as long as you’re willing to work hard enough to do it and you persevere long enough to see it through.
10. He likes California because to a degree, it reminds him of Australia
While it certainly can’t duplicate his native Australia, he does like the California coast because there are certain aspects of it that remind him of his homeland.