Is TaxHawk a Good Option for Small Business Owners?

Filing tax returns through the Internet has been becoming more and more popular. After all, there are now more people with convenient access to the Internet than ever before, meaning that there are more people out there who can make use of the unmatched convenience of this particular option. As a result, it should come as no surprise to learn that there is a wide range of tax preparation software out there to help interested individuals with their tax preparation needs, with an excellent example being TaxHawk.

Should Small Business Owners Use TaxHawk?

Of course, each tax preparation software has its own particular combination of upsides and downsides. Due to this, each tax preparation software is better for certain people under certain circumstances than others, which is why interested individuals need to look into them for the purpose of maximizing their chances of finding something suitable for them. Generally speaking, this should enable said individuals to maximize their chances of getting their taxes done in an effective and efficient manner at a price that is suitable for their personal preferences.

In the case of TaxHawk, it has a number of characteristics that should make it useful for small business owners, though these characteristics should prove appealing to other potential customers as well. For example, TaxHawk is low price, though the fact that it is separated into a Free version and a Deluxe version is rather misleading. This is because while the Free version charges nothing for federal filing, it charges $12.95 for a state filing. Meanwhile, the Deluxe version charges $6.99 for a federal filing but the same $12.95 for a state filing. Summed up, this is something that interested individuals should keep in mind, but in both cases, using TaxHawk cannot be called hugely expensive.

Of course, the Deluxe version comes with some benefits that should prove very interesting to small business owners. For example, it boasts better phone support than its Free counterpart, seeing as how its users can expect the prioritization of their calls for help. Something that can prove useful for people who are unsure of certain parts of tax preparation for small businesses. However, what might be even more interesting is the audit protection in case the user gets audited, which is particularly important because said process can have a negative impact on a business’s routine operations by constituting a serious source of stress.

Otherwise, TaxHawk has a number of other characteristics that might be appealing to some small business owners as well. First, it is simple and straightforward to use, meaning that it is well-suited for people who want something no nonsense that can facilitate their desire to get their taxes done as soon as possible. Second, while TaxHawk’s tutorials are not the best in the business, it does offer a fair amount of information on various subjects of interest to its users, which is in addition to the support that is no more than a phone call away. As a result, while interested individuals might not be able to count on it to hold their hand throughout the entire process, they should nonetheless be able to get help with a wide range of problems. Combined, these characteristics should make TaxHawk an excellent choice for small business owner who have a good idea of what they are doing when it comes to their tax preparation but might nonetheless need to call in assistance for certain matters from time to time.

With that said, TaxHawk has its weaknesses as well. As mentioned, its lackluster tutorials are one of them, meaning that it might not be a good choice for people who are just starting out when it comes to using tax preparation software to do their own taxes. Never mind when the difficulty increases because they are running a small business. Moreover, TaxHawk has no option for importing files besides past tax returns that were filed via TaxHawk, which is a huge inconvenience when compared to a lot of leading tax preparation software out there. Still, so long as people are fine with these particular faults, they should be able to get plenty of use out of TaxHawk, meaning that it is one of the options that they should look into when they are searching for options when it comes to tax filing via the Internet.

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