10 Things You Didn’t Know about US Foods Holding CEO Pietro Satriano

Pietro Satriano is both the President and the CEO of US Foods. In recent times, he has been responsible for various initiatives meant to make US Foods more of a stand-out in its chosen field of competition, which have been designed for the purpose of taking aim at prevailing trends in the market. Here are 10 things that you may or may not have known about Pietro Satriano:

1. Pietro Means “Rock”

Pietro is the Italian version of the name that English speakers should be most familiar with as Peter. In both cases, the name means “rock,” which is something that has played a role in the continuing debate over whether Jesus meant St. Peter or something else when he spoke of the Rock of the Church.

2. Satriano Comes from a Place

One of the most common sources for names in historical times was the place where someone came from. Due to this, there is a high chance that one of Satriano’s ancestors came from one of the places called Satriano on the Italian peninsula.

3. Born in Montreal, Quebec

Satriano was born in Montreal in the province of Quebec in Canada. Since Montreal is one of the economic centers of Canada, it should come as no surprise to learn that it is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in said province as well. As a result, while it can seem exotic to English speakers in Canada, it shares a fair number of similarities with English-speaking counterparts such as Toronto and Vancouver.

4. Studied at Harvard University

Education-wise, Satriano went to Harvard University. There, he earned a bachelor’s degree in the field of economics before going on in time to earn a MBA at the same university.

5. Used to Be at Loblaws

Years ago, Satriano was an executive at Loblaws, which is a supermarket chain in Canada. What happened was that Loblaws was headed up for a time by a triumvirate of influential figures, which came to an end with the ousting of the man who had been chosen by the previous president to serve as his eventual successor. Since Satriano was one of his hires in a key position, he went at around the same time.

6. Served as Chief Merchandising Officer at US Foods

Before he was chosen to become both President and CEO, Satriano was the Chief Merchandising Officer for US Foods. This is an important position for retail businesses because its duties and responsibilities include choosing the products that will be offered for sale to its customers. As a result, there are a lot of retail businesses in which the position of Chief Merchandising Officer sits just below the chief executive, whichever position that might be for them.

7. Has Been Overseeing Efforts to Make US Foods Stand Out

Satriano has been overseeing continuing efforts to make US Foods stand out to its potential customers. This is important because when US Foods conducted research on consumer opinions in the early 2010s, it was revealed that a lot of them considered it and its competitors to be interchangeable. Suffice to say that this was more than a little bit unsettling for its top leadership, which resulted in a significant push to change said state of affairs.

8. Benefited from a Failed Merger with Sysco

At one point in time, it looked as though there would be a merger between US Foods and Sysco, which fell through in the end. Interestingly, the failed merger was actually a significant boost for the people at US Foods, who had very good reasons to be concerned about what would happen to them. For instance, it had been announced that the head office would be situated in Houston rather than in US Foods’s own backyard.

9. Has Stepped Up Business with Independent Restaurants

One of the ways that Satriano has changed things is stepping up US Foods’s business with independent restaurants. He has done so by making available healthier, more natural, more sustainable foods, which are meant to appeal to popular consumer trends.

10. Has Started Selling Precooked Foods to Independent Restaurants

On a related note, Satriano has increased sales of precooked foods to independent restaurants as well. In this case, it was meant to target the independent restaurants’ need to manage rising labor costs.

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