10 Things You Didn’t Know about BookBub
If you know someone who adores reading exceptionally good books, you should definitely tell them about BookBub. Of course, all authors qualify as book enthusiasts so you shouldn’t count them out. In fact, they should be on your priority list, especially if they are up and coming brands seeking to grow their audiences. In this digital era of self-publishing, BookBub is a very good place to find interesting reads as well as for authors to grow their readerships. Since BookBub is a fairly new concept for some folks, the following are ten things that you should know about the new agent of information dispersion.
1. BookBub Vets Every Book
You are guaranteed to enjoy good reads from this book marketer. At least that is a key assurance that you won’t waste your time by heeding the emailed advice from this service. Each and every book that goes into its marketing rooster undergoes keen vetting. If a book is recommended to you, just know that BookBub had its professionals read it, categorize it and screen it for quality assurance.
2. It’s A Free Service
Do you know just how involving it always is constantly finding good books to read? Most book lovers always have to network with their kind to get worthwhile recommendations. Some have to join book clubs, foundations and such programs at a cost of time, money or both. Well, the good news is, BookBub subscriptions are free. The service will constantly give you good recommendations for free thus saving your time and money.
3. Some Books Are Free to Download
Yes, that’s not a typo or something. BookBub offers most of the books that it recommends for free. The authors usually have no qualm allowing BookBub users to access their books for free. How about that; all you have to do is download and read?
4. Books for Sale Are Heavily Discounted
BookBub requires that its authors yield their books to the masses for free reads. However, it can’t compel them to do it unwillingly because that wouldn’t be right. A lot of investment goes into crafting a good book, and authors must have the option to charge readers for access. However, in the spirit of BookBub and the marketing it offers, they always agree to discount their prices. Thus, at BookBub, you are set to buy great reads that at over 50 percent discounted prices.
5. Subscribers Are Emailed Featured Deals
This is the best way for eager readers to gain access to excellent E-books. The emails are sent once, and they come with good read ups as well as download and purchase links. The recommendations are always fresh, and the emails are sent immediately after the service approves them and coordinates with the authors on the Partner Dashboard.
6. Promotion Length for Featured Deals Vary
Depending on an author’s interests and goals, their featured deals may be promoted over different spans of time. However, upon the commencement of a promotion, the biggest response occurs promptly. Subscribers usually make the largest volumes of downloads and purchases in a day or two. Afterward, the conversions still go on but at reduced velocity.
7. Authors Pay for the Service
Well, it is only a free service for readers. How else would the free service be plausible? Authors have to pay, and the pricing depends on the genres in which they would like their books placed. Another factor that affects the charges that they incur is the price that they are offering for their books. Free offers cost the authors much less, and the charges go up with the targeted price for the books.
8. Author’s Money Back Value
Quite frankly, it does make sense for unknown authors to pay this service for their books to be distributed for free. How else would they ever make a name for themselves enough to earn them future purchases? BookBub has over five million loyal subscribers who yearn to read books that it recommends. Its conversion rate for free downloads is over 2.8 percent and 0.2 percent for sales.
9. BookBub is Flocking with Mystery Book Readers
Well, it’s hard to say if it’s a general trend for all the book lovers in the world, but mystery books perform the best at BookBub. That is why mystery authors have to pay more; they enjoy the most downloads and paid sales.
10. BookBub Is a Great Promotion Service
BookBub is a promotional service for authors. It offers its top-notch services to its subscribers for free in ultimate barter trade for marketing value. By offering the valuable service, it earns enough value to sell to authors who really need the promotional value that it has created and continues to maintain. Honestly, it is a stroke of genius.