20 Computer Technologies That are the Wave of the Future

The world that we live in has changed significantly over the past century and it continues to evolve with new advancements made almost daily in the world of computer technology. We’ve come a long way since the first computers with a black DOS screen and stodgy green lettering. The technology behind computing has evolved to the point of actually simulating lifelike robotics and performing functions that once took hours of man power in mere seconds. Here are 20 computer technologies that we believe are the wave of the future and will continue to transform the world around us.

1. Artificial Intelligence to build personal profiles

According to Chinese author Kai-Fu Lee, the science of Artificial Intelligence is going to continue to advance and it will come in a series of four waves, the first of which will be AI deployment. In his latest publication titled “AI Superpowers, super computers will be able to learn form the oceans of information and data available on recommendation engines through algorithmic systems. These systems will advance to the point of having the capacity to detail the lives of individuals just by gathering the information that is available through the internet and our browsing habits including personalities, desires, demands and our demographic data as well. Just imagine, every time you get on the internet to conduct a search, order a product, chat with a friend or anything else, you’re supplying data that could easily be transformed into a collection of data that pinpoints who you are.

2. The Hyperloop

The Hyperloop is Elon Musk’s dream vision of transporting commuters down a tunnel at speeds that top more than 700 mph. Pods within a vacuum tube hurtle passengers from one depot to another and they will have the capacity for transporting passengers on commutes that would otherwise take 7.5 hours in a train in just 35 minutes via the Hyperloop. Plans for testing are currently underway. UCI students entered the SpaceX competition to design the HyperXite using computer modeling programs in 2015 to design the pods, winning an award for their contributions and answer to the call of Musk’s whitepaper.

3. Robot dexterity

Another computer technology that represents the wave of the future is robot dexterity. This technology also includes the use of artificial intelligence and happens as robots teach themselves how to gain dexterity to make their movements seem more life like and less robotic. The robots practice by picking objects up and moving them repetitively. We have not yet reached the point in our ability to develop a program that will allow robots to figure out how to do this but the work on these programs is currently underway. Can you imagine the potential consequences of a robot that can teach itself to learn new things? This technology includes virtual training and calculating required movements.

4. Pervasive computing

This is a new computer technology that the IBM corporation is currently working on. The technology involves the specialization of computer servers and hub computers through software that fields information requests and determines which type of platform is the best choice to relay information, e.g. PC, cell phone, pager or other hand held device.

5. Fifth-generation wireless

Fifth generation wireless, also known as 5G is a future technology that will allow for faster wireless connectivity and for sending and receiving data in the blink of an eye. We all remember how the first public internet connections became so easily bogged down when there were too many users on at one time. The new generations in wireless are projected to increase the speed of connectivity to meet the demands of up to a thousand times more users than are currently availing the services according to Collin McDonnel in his examination of the new tech that will lead us into the future.

5. Wearable ECG

This is computer technology that falls under the same category as an Apple Watch or Fitbit. What it amounts to is a computer in the form of a watch that is worn on the wrist and it will have the capacity to determine if the wearer is going into Atrial Fibrillation which could help to predict the likelihood of blood clots and possible stroke. The FDA approved such a device invented by AliveCor which is equipped with an ECG feature on the watch. This computer technology has implications for getting medical help needed to lessen the damage from cardiac related health events.

6. Computer vision

Computer Vision is also known as CV. This technology allows for chip based recognition which cold be used in major cities to assess what is going on in terms of population density, usage patterns, the average speeds driven on specific streets and how resources are utilized. There have been some concerns voiced over privacy, but this type of computer technology could save millions in dollars paid for analysts to assess important statistics used in city planning and other municipal strategies. CV works by detailing what happens in a city and when and it’s long term implications include supporting 3D maps in real time as well as guidance for autonomous vehicles.

7. Seamless talking AI Assistants

Most of us know when we’re dealing with an AI assistant because of the irregularities in the speech pattern. New computer technology seeks to improve these communications and make these assistants able to speak in a smooth conversational manner and to recognize almost every word that is spoken and every command or request given. Google’s new BERT system was tested and rivaled the intelligence of humans in filling word gaps in a multiple choice test setting. In time, these assistants will be proficient at taking notes at important meetings, researching information for human users, online shopping and much more according to Karen Hao.

8. Centralized intelligence

Bill Gates has entered into discussions about the post computing age where technology will advance far beyond the traditional PC in forms that are smaller and less expensive. This would be a transformative technology that consists of feeding massive amounts of data to information appliances which act as personal computers but they would be )plugged into a universal network of data which could change the way that we access and use information.

9. Mixed reality (MR)

Most of us have heard about virtual reality also known as VR, but mixed reality technology deals with the merging of virtual reality, physical reality, the use of computer graphics and the creation of experiences with are immersive. It has been said that this type of technologies has the ability to even serve as the replacement for mobile phones. It has tremendous implications for the way that we communicate with one another, enjoy entertainment and there is the hope that it will even be useful for first responders in accessing vital health information for individuals in emergency situations.

10. Embedded personal devices

According to William Joy of Sun Microsystems, Inc., we’re entering a time when we shall see a plethora of embedded personal devices enter the market place. This form of computer technology deals with the miniaturization of computers into a microchip which is embedded into practically any type of device that you can imagine from wearable electronics to your vehicles or your household appliances. You’ll be able to give commands remotely with this technology which has just recently become available and there are plans to continue development and expansion into the future.

11. Hand held computing

Craig Mundie is a senior VP for Microsoft and he doesn’t believe that PCs are going to fade into obscurity as some do. Rather, he believes that they will serve as the base for the new hand held computing technology wave that is just beginning to take the world by storm. PCs may be around for quite a while, but there is a big surge in the number of hand held computing devices and it has been predicted that the PC will continue to become smaller in size and more powerful as time goes by.

12. Machine learning

Machine learning is another advanced technology within the field of computer science. The prospects for future use of machine learning is in the medical field. The goals in developing this technology further are to expand the analytical processes beyond that of the human intellect’s capacity to learn more as humans about health care and appropriate diagnoses and treatments.

13. Big Data computing

Within the medical profession, the use of Big Data is helping first responders to gather more information about patients they serve in a shorter period of time. While this science is not yet perfected, it shows hope for the future in making it possible to save more lives in emergency situations. The collection and collation of data which is diverse and complex takes hours of human intervention for collection, categorization and updating. These are all time consuming processes and the data is continually subject to corruption through human error. Advances in the collection and management of Big Data has tremendous implications for delivering more complete and accurate information to help professionals within all industries in making important decisions that impact businesses as well as the well being of some.

14. 3-D Printing technology

3-D Printing is a computer technology that is constantly under development for the capacity to analyze and create tangible goods that blow the human mind. These printers come in all shapes and sizes and some are used to manufacture homes in areas that have housing shortages, and now the medical community is looking towards the technology for developing supplies such as prostheses, biological components as well as tissue engineering to be used in the regeneration of human tissue and pharmaceuticals.

15. ECG Apparel

Another health related impact of advancing computer technology is the creation of health monitoring clothing. The development of a T shirt that is embedded with heart monitoring smart materials makes it possible for the shirt you’re wearing to track your cardiac functions and it can detect arrhythmia by processing the data that it gathers from a complicated algorithm process that measures and assesses heart beats and uploads them via a Bluetooth device.

16. Decentralized computing

Decentralized computing is a new trend that is taking off in the world of computer technology and it has implications for political, social and economic impacts as data silos are unbundled. Users will have greater access to the data that is currently accessed by larger companies for monetization and there is a greater likelihood that it will result in a more balanced distribution of at least the opportunity to increase personal wealth. It will also make running a personal cloud server as easy as using available services you get through subscription without security risks.

17. The mobile evolution wave

It is theorized that we still have a long way to go in the mobile evolution and that we’re only at the beginning. Mobile technology has not yet realized its full potential and the development of new kinds of MT including wearables and smarter apps is just around the corner. It’s further indicated that this new technology will bring consumers into more of a real time existence when it comes to shared experiences, health care and shopping.

18. Smart cars with alcohol detectors built in

Another new computer based technology that is being developed is a system which may be installed in a vehicle that will automatically scan blood in their fingertips right through the steering wheel to determine if there is a high content of alcohol in the bloodstream. Upon detection of risk, the car would become immobilized and the driver would not be allowed to operate the vehicle while cognitively impaired. The potential benefits of this technology are safer roads for drivers and pedestrians as well as lower auto insurance premiums.

19. The Internet of Everything

One of the biggest waves of the future in computer technology is the Internet of Everything. This is a system of technology that connects all products to the internet through sensors. With this knowledge, the possibilities are limitless for connecting your eye glasses to a system that will schedule your net eye exam or your toothbrush automatically scheduling a dental appointment if there are cavities in your teeth.

20. Smart Food Labels

Another intriguing computer technology which represents a wave of the future are smart food labels. A lot of food is wasted because we don’t read the labels which are provided and foods tend to expire before they are used. Many consumers only read the label after they’re retrieved an item from storage prior to its use. Smart labels are already in use for the visually impaired and as food in containers gets closer to the expiration date, bumps increase on the otherwise smooth label, indicating that it’s time to use the item or throw it away.

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