Does Burlington Coat Factory Drug Test Its Employees?


If you have perused the FBI website looking to join the agency, you will find that applicants who have abused drugs within the last three years at the time of application need not apply. While this is a great step to prevent drug users from wasting time, other companies do not disqualify prospective employees based on drug use even before they apply. However, several stages in the application process determine if you get on the payroll or not. One of the places to send an application letter is Burlington Coat Factory, especially if you are a first-time job seeker. But does Burlington Coat Factory drug test its employees? Here is all you need to know regarding its drug testing policy.

Yes, It Does

According to a discussion on Indeed, employees said the factory does not drug test its employees. One prospective employee even asked what to expect, and responders said Burlington Coat Factory only conducts a background check. Well, that was in 2016, and it seems that things have changed. Green Fleets, on the other hand, published in 2022 that the company conducts random drug testing. As per the article, Burlington conducts random drug tests on its employees every six months to a year. It is a condition written in the company’s drug-testing policy which employees are expected to read and understand to avoid unnecessary litigation. Burlington prides itself in promoting a drug-free environment. Hence substance abuse is not tolerated in any of their stores. So whenever they suspect an employee or an accident happens due to drug use, they do random testing.

The pre-employment drug testing occurs only when a conditional job offer has been made, meaning that after the first interview process and you have been shortlisted, they will offer you the job provided you pass the drug test. Burlington Coat Factory will give you the drug testing policy for you to read then you must consent in writing for the drug testing to proceed. Like many other employers, the company tests for five drugs: cocaine, opiates, marijuana, amphetamines, and phencyclidine (PCP). Burlington conducts urine drug tests at an accredited lab of their choosing. You should not expect to get the job if you fail the drug test given the zero-tolerance policy on drugs at Burlington.

Can You Cheat on a Drug Test?

At Burlington, they monitor you when taking the urine samples, so chances of you cheating are slim. However, if you are desperate for a job and see a window of opportunity, there are different ways of beating a drug test if you have recently taken the prohibited drugs. According to Clinical Lab Manager, different drugs stay in the body for varied durations. The type of test used determines how easy it is to detect your substance abuse. For instance, if you have used cocaine in the last three days, a urine drug test will detect it. Afterward, sweat would be more effective since the drug will remain detectable for about 14 days. The only way of checking if an employee has used drugs in the last three months is through hair samples, and the least effective method is saliva or oral fluid. That being said, if you are not being monitored you can ensure that you pass the drug test by substituting your urine sample with synthetic urine or with another person’s drug-free urine; you could even use an animal’s. You could also start taking detox drinks to dilute the drugs in your urine. Unfortunately, as Addiction Resource enlightens us, none of the detox beverages marketed to help you pass drug tests have proven results. Apart from substitution and dilution, adulteration is another option. All you need is to introduce a foreign substance such as dishwashing soap or eye drops into the container holding your urine sample. Adulteration ensures that the sample is interfered with to give invalid results. It is not advisable to try and cheat even if you get the loophole. Labs have their ways of detecting drug tests that a person has tampered with; hence, you will be caught. Even if there are no federal laws that illegalize cheating drug tests, you can still be charged. As the Law Offices of Biederman & Burleson explain, the act of cheating the drug test is not a crime but knowingly and intentionally using a substance to falsify the test is a criminal offense.

When Did Employers Start Drug Testing Employees?

President Ronald Regan’s administration became dedicated to launching a campaign to fight drugs. Even the President’s wife, Nancy Regan, was actively involved in encouraging children to stay away from drugs through the catchphrase “Just Say No” that she used whenever she visited schools. By 1986, workplace testing had begun when the President signed the Commission on Organized Crime Report. The report concluded that public and private drug screening were vital tools for controlling drug use in the United States. Then on September 15, 1986, President Reagan mandated drug testing for all federal employees through Executive Order 12564. It became the first time for employees to be subjected to pre-employment drug screening, and the private sector was not left behind in the war on drugs. Thus by 1987, at least 20% of major employers had introduced drug testing in the workplace. The practice gained popularity, and by 1995, 75% of private employers had embraced it. While the United States was in the front line fighting drug use in the workplace, its neighbor, Canada, felt that pre-employment testing was a violation of human rights. To this day, Canada does not generally conduct pre-employment testing unless in special circumstances. Most Canadian employers do not have drug testing policies. In Canada, one of the circumstances requiring drug testing is operating heavy machinery. However, it is only in the United States where even retail personnel and office employees such as those at Burlington Coat Factory are required to take a drug test.

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