How Jet’s Pizza Became a Successful Franchise
Have you ever heard of a franchise called Jet’s Pizza? If you live in Michigan, there’s a good chance that you not only know about this establishment, but that you’ve eaten there a number of times over the years. You may not be as familiar with it if you live in other areas, as the franchise primarily operates within the state of Michigan. If you think that it’s not as successful as some other establishments just because it’s only in one state as opposed to having an establishment in virtually every part of the country, think again. This is one of the most successful pizza chains in the history of small businesses and it’s been operating successfully for several decades now.
The thing that makes every restaurant chain successful is, in its purest form, good food. Sure, you need other things like reliable and friendly service, attention to detail, a quick turnaround when it comes to filling orders, and similar things but if the food isn’t good to begin with, none of that other stuff matters. This is the cornerstone of every restaurant. The food has to be something that will keep patrons coming back again and again or everything else fails. Jet’s Pizza has definitely got this part down. In fact, they have some of the best tasting pizza in the entire state and you would be hard-pressed to find any other restaurant that can make better pizza than they can.
Remember, they’ve been in business since 1978. That’s a long time to perfect things. It all started with a single business, learning how to do things the right way. From the beginning, those responsible for Jet’s Pizza had made a decision that they were going to do things the old-fashioned way and they weren’t going to cut corners just make things go faster or even to reduce cost. They realized early on that the customer is the most important person because without them, it doesn’t matter if you’re selling the best product in the world, you’re still going to go out of business. They have built everything else around that concept and they still reflect those same qualities today that they did when they first went into business in the late 1970s.
Over the years, they have truly cemented their legendary status in the state by providing good pizza at a fair price, along with outstanding service that is literally second to none. They have a wide range of different selections when it comes to things like toppings and types of crust and it gives customers the opportunity to choose something that really works well for them, not just what’s most popular at the time. In addition, the pizzas are never made ahead of time and then stored somewhere to keep them warm so they can be whipped out and presented to customers when they order them in record time. They are made to order so they’ll be hot and fresh for each and every customer.
Most people that live in Michigan and even those who have visited the area will readily tell you that this is the best pizza they’ve ever eaten. As a matter of fact, many people that aren’t native to the area and have visited have actually gone back to their home states wishing that they could get their hands on some of that pizza later on. This is precisely how the family that owns this chain has made it so successful over the years. They started with one store and got it up and running, learning as they went along. From there, they’ve been able to open several more stores and with each opening, the process goes a little bit smoother.
It’s interesting to note that the pizza chain has found so much success over the years, especially when you consider the fact that it’s notoriously hard to find success with a small business. As a matter of fact, about 75 percent to 90 percent of the new businesses that are open during any given year will fail. Many of them don’t make it past that first year and fewer still are still in business five or even 10 years down the road. This gives you a better idea of just how difficult it can be to determine what the public wants and then find the capability to deliver it. It is one reason that so many people look to Jet’s Pizza. They have clearly figured out what they need to do to reach the public and their business practices seem to resonate with people.
Granted, it’s all about having good pizza. It is undoubtedly the first and most important step in this entire equation. That being said, it would be impossible to find success if they didn’t have everything else in place as well. As such, they have worked hard to develop clean facilities that appeal to the general public. They employ enough people to get orders turned out quickly and they make sure that their employees are always polite to their customers. They also provide a number of incentives for loyal customers, largely through discounts, specials of the day and other promotions that let their customers know that they appreciate them. All of this is directed at a singular effort and that is to get more customers through the door and then make sure that they keep coming back. When you couple these factors with delicious pizza that’s made to order, it’s a recipe that you can’t hardly beat. That explains a great deal of their success.
In the end, they remember how they became successful in the first place and they hold those same values at the forefront of everything they do. In a world of automation, they have chosen to remain true to their character and because of it, they have become immensely successful. There’s no doubt that anyone that’s ever eaten there would agree, especially when compared to most of the major nationwide chains that exist in the modern world. There’s just something special about Jet’s Pizza, not only in the way it tastes, but in the entire experience as a whole. If you ever have the chance to go there, you’ll probably find that you don’t really want to go anywhere else once you’ve experienced it.