The Average Cost to Attend a Los Angeles Angels Game

If you plan on attending a Los Angeles Angels game, you obviously want to know how much it’s going to cost you before you get there. It’s quite frustrating to plan on going to a game, only to realize that the ticket prices are so high that you really can’t afford them in the first place. If you’re going to a major league baseball game, it’s not just the ticket that you have to be concerned with. It’s also about paying for concessions and parking. These are two things that a lot of people don’t really stop to think about when they initially decide to go to a game. They look at ticket prices and little else. This can cause you to get in hot water before you realize it, because the actual cost can end up being a lot more than what you thought it would be. If you’re interested in attending a game played by the Angels, you can use this guide to figure out how much it should cost you.

Ticket Prices

Ticket prices seem to be a little more elevated for this particular stadium than they are for a lot of others. They have several different packages available, so you should be able to find something within your price range but you have to be careful. If you’re looking at seats that cost $25 or less for a single game, you’re either going to be stuck in the nosebleed section or sitting on the ground where it’s hard to see hardly any of the game. Even the outfield seats are fairly pricey. As a matter of fact, if you choose to sit in an outfield seat, you should plan on spending somewhere between $55 and almost $70. Another thing that makes it hard to gauge the cost of seats at this stadium is that they vary a lot from one game to the next. These variances don’t add up to just a few dollars, but can represent a wide range of different costs associated with buying tickets. For example, you might spend $80 on a ticket for one game and then a ticket for the same exact seat could be as much as $225 for the next game. There’s also an elevated cost for people who need wheelchair-accessible seating. If that’s a situation that you’re dealing with, don’t expect to get tickets to any game for less than $70. As you can see, this can get pretty pricey and it does so very quickly. If you have a family of four and you want decent seats where you can at least see the game, you might end up spending well over $400 for the seats alone.


Concessions are also more expensive here. It’s not that concessions are cheap at any sporting event, but in this particular case, they seem to be even more expensive than usual. Most people like to get something to eat when they go to a baseball game. For the most part, the traditional concession items consists of a hot dog, some popcorn and a drink. If those are the only three items that you buy, you could be spending between $20 and $25 per person. Again, that same family of four is going to have to spend approximately $100 just to get a hot dog, popcorn and a soda for each individual. If you want anything in addition to that or you decide you want something a little more elaborate, that price could easily double.


It’s hard to understand why so many stadiums don’t have better parking for their customers. Most of them are constructed right in the heart of the city, and that’s understandable. They want to be right where the action is so they get the highest number of customers coming through the gate. That being said, it makes it almost impossible to drive to the event. If you’re not local to the area, what are you supposed to do when you get there and you can’t find a place to park within a mile or two of the venue? This is an issue that you will have to face here as well. Provided that you can get parking at the venue, plan on spending about $30 to take advantage of it. However, you shouldn’t be surprised if the parking is full and you end up driving around the block several times over as you try to find something suitable. There aren’t many other parking spaces in the area and if you do find one, you’re probably going to spend somewhere in the range of $35 to $40 in order to get that coveted parking spot.

As you can see, this may not be a cheap form of entertainment. When it’s totaled up, you are likely to spend several hundred dollars for a single game. You can go see a game on a budget, but you will have to work hard to stick to it.

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