The Five Most Expensive Types of Bread Money Can Buy

What does it take to make the perfect loaf of bread? Some of the most exclusive bakers are guarding their secrets closely and we’re not likely to find out. If you’re a bread lover and you enjoy partaking in some of the world’s finest creations then it probably won’t come as much of a surprise that the price of these baked delicacies gets high.

When you consider the fact that they are made by some of the biggest names in the baking industry and the ingredients are all premium with a few extra expensive items thrown in, it’s easy to understand why the price reflects the care and expense involved the overhead for ingredients and processing.

We’ve done the research to discover the most expensive types of bread in the world today and here are five of them for your consideration.

5. Miche – $20 per loaf

Miche is a type of bread that you can find in New York and it’s the most expensive bread made in the state. If you want to take some home with you it’s going to cost a minimum of $20 per pound.

This isn’t a loaf that can be made in a few hours. It is made with Farmer ground organic flour and the bread has an incredibly rich flavor along with a complicated texture that is difficult to describe. It’s to be experienced.

The flour must undergo a long process of fermentation that gives it a unique flavor that has not yet been duplicated. The read is available at Amy’s Bread in New York City and it’s best served with high-grade cultured butter.

4. The Shepherd Loaf – $21 per loaf

The fourth most expensive type of bread is Shepherd’s loaf. This amazing bread is a product of Britain and it is the creation of Tom Herbert, a local baker who developed it when he was age 33.

The recipe was developed 55 years ago and it is available in “Bake my Day.” The bread is prepared meticulously with a double rising process implemented prior to the baking.

Some interesting ingredients are used in the recipe which calls for the use of Cornish sea salt, Cotswolds spring water, and organic Somerset spelt flour.

3. Harrods Roquefort and Almond Sourdough Bread – $24.50 per loaf

London’s premier department store Harrods carries one of the most expensive bread types in all of Britain. The famous Roquefort and Almond Sourdough bread is available for a cost of $24.50 per loaf.

Why is it so expensive? It’s because it is made with the finest ingredients that can be acquired. This bread type is the creation of Paul Hollywood, Master Baker who has dubbed it the “Rolls-Royce” of all bread loaves, with no real pun intended we’re sure.

There are absolutely no artificial flavors or additives in the bread and it is crafted with only grade A flour which is procured from a specialist miller. The Roquefort cheese used in the bread is the finest quality that can be obtained from France.

This bread is a hot seller during the holiday season and they’re anticipating that it may be hard to keep it stocked fresh on the racks. The National Association of Master Bakers in Britain has named this as the most expensive bread type in all of Britain.

2. The Royal Bloomer – $97.34 per loaf

The second most expensive bread type in the world is the Royal Bloomer. All apologies to Britain’s National Association of Master Bakers for their slight miscalculation on this one.

The Royal Bloomer is created at the baker Roberet Didier’s Orchard Pigs Bakery which located in Wrexham in Noth Wales. The Royal Bloomer offers an interesting take on this staple food item by replacing water in the recipe with champagne.

The champagne gives the bread a unique and tasty flavor, but this isn’t the only thing that makes it special. Didier also uses 23-carat gold in the recipe. He adds the 23-carat red gold as a garnishment to the top to give it a red sparkly topping.

1. The Gold Leaf Bread – $120.73 per loaf

The most expensive bread type in the world is the Gold Leaf Bread. It’s as amazing as it sounds. The recipe comes from the master baker Moreno, who is the owner of the family Pan Pina Bakery which is located in Algatocn, Andalusia, Spain.

The family bakery has been in business for the past 70 years and produces 50 different types of bread. What makes this one so special is that Moreno uses 250 mg of gold dust in the recipe.

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