What Does it Cost to Attend a Philadelphia Phillies Game?
How much do you think it costs to attend a Philadelphia Phillies ball game? There’s no doubt that going to a game or practically any other event costs a lot more than it should these days, but that doesn’t change the fact that people still like to have the opportunity to get out and do something different every once in awhile. If your thing is going to ball games, there’s certainly nothing wrong with that but it is important to know about how much you should expect to spend. No one likes to go to an event thinking that they’re going to spend a certain amount of money, only to get the unpleasant surprise of being asked double or even triple that amount in order to do what they had already planned.
Therefore, it’s imperative that you do some homework before you start planning your day at the game. Your biggest concern is probably ticket prices and that is a valid concern, no doubt about it. However, it isn’t the only concern that exists. It’s a very rare occasion that anyone goes to a ball game without visiting the concession stand at least once or twice. If you’re like most people, that trip to the concession stand is part of the overall experience. Without it, things wouldn’t be quite the same. Therefore, you need to add in the cost of concessions as well as other things like parking. By the time you’re finished, you’ll have a much better idea of what you should expect to spend and you might be surprised at just how expensive an afternoon at the ballgame can really be.
The Cost of Phillies Tickets
As is the case with most stadiums, there is both a low-end and a high-end where you can purchase tickets to watch the Philadelphia Phillies game. On one hand, you’re spending less money but you’re also getting seats that are further away and don’t have the view that you’re probably hoping for. In addition, those seats probably aren’t covered so if there’s any type of weather to be dealt with, you’re going to be sitting out in the elements. That means you might be baking in the afternoon sun or dealing with a driving rainstorm. However, you can get those tickets for about $25 a piece. If you want tickets that give you a central view of the action and provide a little bit of shelter from whatever type of weather is going on that day, that price is not doubled, but rather tripled. In some cases, it’s even a little bit more. A safe bet would be to reserve between $75 and $100 per seat if that’s the type of location you’re looking for. In the end, you have to decide what’s more important to you, getting the cheap seats and dealing with whatever else is going on or shelling out more cash for better seats and having a chance to enjoy the action as opposed to combating the elements.
It’s Not a Game if You Don’t Go to the Concession Stand
If you’re like most people, that’s exactly how you feel. There’s just something about going to a game where a trip to the concession stand is absolutely in order. To be honest, most people can’t keep their trips down to just one. They might return again and again. The thing you have to remember is that for every extra item you purchase or every time you get back in line, you’re spending that much more money. Most of the time, people that go to ball games buy items like hot dogs, popcorn and something to drink. Of course, there are all kinds of things offered at the stadium. In order to keep things on a fairly even keel, you can take the cost of that hot dog and soda and see how much it’s going to cost you in comparison to other stadiums or even other activities. Here, you’re looking at about $12 for a hot dog and a soda. Popcorn is another $6, give or take a couple of bucks. At least that way you know how much you can afford to spend and how many trips you can make back to the concession stand before things start to get a little dicey on the financial end.
How are You Going to Get There?
If you plan on driving, you have to have a place to park that car. Ideally, you’d like to park in stadium parking so you don’t have to walk two or three miles to get to the car when the game is over. That’s fine, but be prepared to pay for that privilege. Parking is about what you would probably expect, at around $20. It’s not exactly cheap, but it could certainly be worse.
When you add everything together, you’re probably looking at about $150 per person if you get the better seats. If you get cheaper seating and you’re not the one paying for parking, you can knock that cost down to about $50 each. If you’re like most people, you’ll fall somewhere in the middle.