What It’s Like to Fly Emirates Business Class
Have you ever wondered how much it costs to fly business class on Emirates? You might be wondering why anyone would care about flying business class because for most people, the best possibility would be flying first class. Here’s something you need to understand about Emirates Airlines. Their business class easily equals what most airlines consider first class. It’s not like the economy class that you’re used to being stuck in with most major air carriers. Instead, this is something that gives you enough room to spread out and be comfortable, but when compared to the cost of first class on the airline, it is much more affordable.
If you’ve never flown business class on Emirates, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. The first thing you will probably notice when you step on board is that you have a lot more room than you ever thought possible. The seats themselves are larger than normal by several inches and they have a lot more cushion, allowing you to actually be comfortable on a long flight instead of squirming every few minutes. If that’s not enough to get your attention, you should know that the seats also fold out and lie flat so if you’re tired, all you need to do is kick back and relax. That’s definitely not something you get to do in economy class on any airline.
As far as perks are concerned, it is business class so the idea is that you’re supposed to be able to get some work done. There’s more than enough space to do exactly that and if you’re looking for technology that will allow you to connect a computer to the internet or network with business partners while you’re still in the air, Emirates has that covered, too. Of course, if you’re in the mood to stop working and listen to some relaxing music or watch a favorite movie on television, that’s also available to you.
Most people who have previously flown on the airline rave about the menu that the first class passengers get to pick from. Let’s just say that the business class menu is no slouch, either. While that may not be the exact reason you’re there, there’s definitely plenty of amenities to make sure that you’re comfortable on your flight. Emirates sort of prides itself on making customers comfortable, regardless of the class of cabin that they’re in. That’s why their first class is absolutely second to none and, subsequently, their business class rivals the first class cabins of just about everyone else, as previously mentioned. As you can see, even the cheapest seats on an Emirates airliner are nothing to sneeze at. That being said, business class is far from the cheap seats.
You have to remember that with most of flights performed by Emirates, you’re looking at a rather long flight time. That’s one reason that these airliners are designed to be more comfortable than most. It’s not like you’re taking a mere two hour flight. Instead, the majority of the flights carried out by this airline are at least eight hours and many of them are well over 12. Imagine what it would be like asking a passenger to fly for that many hours on an airliner without giving them an opportunity to stretch out. That’s precisely why so many people prefer to fly on Emirates in the first place.
Now that you know what it’s like to fly on this particular airline, even in business class, you might be wondering how much money one of those tickets costs. As is usually the case, it sort of depends on where you’re taking off from and where you are landing. For example, if you’re going from New York to Dubai, that ticket can cost you as much as $12,000. A shorter flight, to Sydney for example, runs just over $8,000. That probably sounds like a tremendous amount of money to you but stop and think about how long those flights are. When you factor in the cost to fly for just a couple of hours on most major air carriers, it becomes a little easier to understand why this seems like such a large amount of money. It’s also a lot cheaper than paying for a first class seat. Nevertheless, this isn’t exactly a ticket price that everybody can comfortably pay for. That being said, Emirates doesn’t have any trouble filling their seats so don’t expect them to lower those prices anytime soon.