10 Things You Didn’t Know about Yariv Bash
Yariv Bash is the CEO of Flytrex. For those who are curious, the latter is a drone delivery company aimed at suburban consumers in the United States. In recent times, interested individuals might have seen Flytrex’s name come up in the news because it has managed to raise $40 million in funding for the purpose of fueling its expansion.
1. Not the First Time that He Has Been in Transportation
It is interesting to note that this isn’t the first time that Bash has been involved in transportation. Prior to Flytrex, he was responsible for running SpaceIL, which would be the Israeli team in the Google Lunar X-Prize competition.
2. Had Some Success at SpaceIL
Speaking of which, Bash had a fair amount of success at SpaceIL. After all, the non-profit organization managed to launch a robotic mission to the Moon. That might not sound very impressive because a number of countries have managed to pull off something similar. However, it is important to remember that the average distance between the Earth and the Moon is approximately 384,400 km, which would be approximately 30 Earths away.
3. Connects Consumers with Businesses
As mentioned earlier, Bash is now running a drone delivery company. To be exact, Flytrex makes it possible for commercial clients to send their products to suburban consumers. Something that promises to become more and more common in the times to come. Already, Flytrex’s drones have been used to deliver food as well as groceries. However, it isn’t hard to see how they might be used for other goods as well.
4. Likes Creating Things
Personality-wise, Bash has mentioned that he enjoys creating things. However, it is interesting to note that he has a broad definition for what this means. For example, artistic pursuits such as painting and writing poems count. Similarly, so do more technical pursuits such as engineering and software development. In Bash’s case, he is focused on creating a company at the moment.
5. Was in Artillery
Bash has spent time in the Israeli military’s artillery corps. Historically speaking, we actually have a fair amount of information about the origins of artillery, which isn’t something that we can say for a lot of seemingly fundamental concepts. Fortifications started being used in prehistoric times. However, there were methods for overcoming fortifications such as rams for going through gates and ramps for going over walls that saw use long before the first known example of catapults in 399 BC. Even then, artillery was extremely limited because of their reliance on mechanical energy. Something that remained the case until the widespread adoption of gunpowder opened up new possibilities in this regard.
6. Contributed to the Creation of Mahanet
Even when Bash was in the artillery corps, he was interested in creating things. As such, he was one of the people who contributed to the creation of Mahanet, which is a kind of creativity camp meant for Israeli soldiers. Essentially, interested individuals participate by creating something that is smart but useless, which is meant to let them exercise the creative parts of themselves. As far as Bash is concerned, this is beneficial because it lets the participants pick up new skills while honing them in a multi-disciplinary fashion. Moreover, it is a good way for those people to connect with one another.
7. Now Working Under Some Serious Constraints
Unsurprisingly, Bash’s current company is working under some serious constraints. To name an example, they have a low profit margin, which makes sense because if they had a high profit margin, their commercial clients might start finding other delivery options a lot more attractive. The issue is that Flytrex can’t make meaningful money unless it makes a lot of deliveries, which in turn, means that it needs to operate in markets that can provide it with a lot of deliveries without making its costs soar in the process. Under those circumstances, it is no wonder that the drone delivery company took aim at the suburbs, which are home to a lot of people who are situated close but not too close to a wide range of potential commercial clients. Meanwhile, something like rural regions presumably wouldn’t make sense, not least because transportation costs would skyrocket thanks to the increased travel distances.
8. Can’t Just Buy Drones
One of the major challenges for Flytrex is the fact that the drone delivery company can’t just buy existing drones from drone manufacturers. Instead, it has to get its drones approved by the relevant authorities while using the same process as the vehicles from major aircraft manufacturers, which is no easy task to say the least. Of course, Flytrex also needs its drones to pass a number of other critical challenges. For example, reliability is a big one because its revenue-earning operations are reliant on large numbers of deliveries. Similarly, ease of operation is also critical because more education and more experience tend to mean higher personnel costs.
9. Used to Play Strategy Games
Amusingly, Bash used to play strategy games as a child. In particular, he has mentioned both Civilization and Command & Conquer. The first is one of the most iconic examples of the 4X sub-genre, the name of which stands for explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate. Meanwhile, the second is one of the most iconic examples of the RTS sub-genre, which features games in which players play at the same time rather than in sequential turns. The name itself was coined for Dune II, a game made by the same people who went on to make Command & Conquer.
10. His Grandfather Was Forced to Work on V1 and V2 Rockets
Bash’s grandfather was a Hungarian textile engineer sent to Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. He was one of the 300 or so engineers who were forced to work on V1 and V2 rockets, though he was lucky in the sense that he was one of the less than one hundred individuals out of the batch to survive the experience. V2 rockets are said to have killed approximately 9,000 civilians as well as military personnel. However, they had an even more destructive effect on the concentration camp prisoners as well as other forced laborers who were compelled to work on them, being responsible for approximately 12,000 such deaths.