10 Interesting Health Benefits of Eating Pineapple

Pineapple is a fruit that is known around the world, and definitely is one of the preferred flavors. There is pineapple ice cream, pineapple snow cones, pineapple salad, and the more direct pineapple rings. But there are a tree full of health benefits associated with eating as little as one cup of pineapple per day. Continue reading to discover how a little pineapple can improve your health.

1. Regularly eating pineapple will increase your G.I. health quotient.

It has been said that the efficiency at which your G.I. (gastrointestinal) tract works is directly connected to your overall health. G.I. problems generally can be seen in people who experience bloating, constipation, or other issues. Eating pineapple has been proven to assist in digestion, preventing or completely eliminating these types of problems and creating an improvement in a person’s general health.

2. You will have healthier skin.

Everyone knows your skin is made up of cells, and every day those cells die. The negative effects of death of cells, known as cellular degeneration, can damage skin. The dead cells are regenerated in part by a process known as collagen synthesis which pineapple can play an important role. Adding an average size pineapple a day to your diet will help your body’s cellular regeneration process.

3. Eating pineapple will reduce your risk of cancer.

This is simple enough. The reason is the biological anti-inflammatory agent bromelain, which is produced naturally by your body. Bromelain works to prevent cancerous cells from spreading throughout your body. Pineapple happens to be one of a category of bright yellow foods (so there are others) that research supports in reducing rates of cancer for regular eaters of such foods.

4. Boosts your immune system.

Some of you may already have known this fact because pineapple contains a solid amount of vitamin C. But this also has to do with the aforementioned bromelain, which helps protect your body against viruses from the outside of your body. Your immune system is the first line of internal defense against invading germs and viruses, so the stronger your immune system is, the better overall health you will have.

5. It may contribute to the speed at which a wound heals.

People who have weakened immune systems such as diabetics, have to deal with longer healing times for wounds, particularly those furthest from the heart. When an open wound occurs, the body’s ability to consistently repair the damage through cellular growth is slower. The naturally occurring bromelain found in abundance in pineapple is once again the hero in restoring your body to a naturally healthy state. We say “may” help because the jury is still out on the impact of pineapple’s healing boost among people whose immune systems are normal.

6. A cure for the common cold.

We’re not saying you will never get a cold, but when you do eating pineapple will get your through the rough spots with much less discomfort. It reduces the production of mucus that clogs up your nose and throat, and makes your immune system hum along.

7. It is an ideal substitute for older people who need to maintain bone strength.

One of the body’s essential minerals for optimal health is manganese (not to be confused with magnesium) that regulates bone regeneration and growth. Loss of bone mass and other bone ailments are issues that increase with age. Pineapples can supply 65 percent of your daily requirements by simply eating one cup per day. It can substitute for milk or meat as a source of manganese and may other essential minerals, but for young children the recommended preference is milk.

8. Pineapple promotes healthy gums.

Recent research has connected healthy gums with a healthy heart. It seems strange, but the same type of tissue is present in both, so problems with your gums can also be a sign of problems with your heart. Pineapples contain astringent, a substance that prevents bacteria from negatively impacting your gums. Brushing your teeth can only do so much, so to promote healthy gums it is recommended you eat one cup of pineapple per day. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a cup of pineapple away will keep the dentist away.

9. A daily dose of pineapple will reduce the potential for macular degeneration.

From gums to eyes, pineapple continues to be beneficial to your overall health. Continuing research has shown that eating pineapple actually improves weak eyesight (despite reports to the contrary from Bugs Bunny). Eyesight begins failing for most people once they reach age 40, and macular degeneration is a leading cause of blindness. Pineapple is not a cure for macular degeneration, but it has been proven to slow its progression.

10. For people looking for healthy carbs, pineapple is the answer.

In a low carb world, many people need carbs to maintain high energy levels, and pineapple can be the number one answer. They actually contain not one, but three types of carbohydrates = glucose, fructose, and sucrose. A cup of pineapple may seems carb heavy at 21,7 grams, but that serving will be what you need to keep fit and trim.

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