10 Things You didn’t Know about Anheuser-Busch CEO Carlos Brito

Carlos Brito is the Brazilian businessman who presides over Anheuser-Busch InBev as its CEO. This makes him a figure of incredible importance in the beverage business, seeing as how said corporation is a titan that was the biggest brewer in the entire world even before it bought out SABMiller in 2016. Here are 10 things that you may or may not have known about Carlos Brito:

Born in Rio de Janeiro

Brito was born in Rio de Janeiro, which is a Brazilian city that has a number of claims to fame. For example, it was the first South American city to host the Summer Olympics. However, this wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for the fact that Rio de Janeiro is an economic powerhouse in Brazil, not least because it is one of the most populous cities in the whole of the Americas.

Studied At Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Eventually, Brito went on to study at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, who can claim without exaggeration to be one of the best schools in the whole of Brazil. There, Brito studied the subject of Mechanical Engineering.

Studied At Stanford University

Later, Brito went on to get a MBA from Stanford University, which is, of course, one of the most famous schools not just in the United States but throughout the world. To be exact, Brito studied at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, which offers an elite MBA program that is considered to be on par with a number of other elite MBA programs found throughout the United States.

His Mentor Was Jorge Paulo Lemann

It is interesting to note that Brito’s mentor was Jorge Paulo Lemann, who is best-known for being a Brazilian investor. However, it should be mentioned that Lemann has a number of other claims to fame as well, with an excellent example being the fact that he won the national tennis championship for Brazil not once but a total of five times.

Came to His Current Position Through AmBev

Over the course of his career, Brito has worked at other companies, but tends to be most associated with Anheuser-Busch InBev via AmBev. In short, AmBev was a Brazilian corporation that specialized in beverages, which was created as the result of a merger between two previous companies. Later, AmBev was one of the corporations that merged to create InBev, which went on to purchase Anheuser-Busch to become Anheuser-Busch InBev.

He Claims That He Has No Hobbies

Brito has claimed that he has no hobbies whatsoever. Instead, the closest thing that he has to a hobby are his 30-minute workouts on his treadmill. Regardless, Brito’s claim can sound rather unbelievable, but he wouldn’t be the first person to put so much of his focus into the business that he runs rather than something else.

Sees Potential in Chinese Market

Some businesspeople have become cautious regarding the Chinese market in recent times because of President Donald Trump’s trade shenanigans. However, Brito wasn’t one of them because as he sees it, the Chinese middle class is still seeing a huge expansion that outstrips the overall rate of growth for the Chinese economy, which in turn, means huge opportunities for businesses that can cater to their needs and desires.

Overseen Much of Expansion in Chinese Market

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Brito’s Anheuser-Busch InBev controls a huge share of the Chinese market. To be exact, said corporation controls something like 20 percent of the Chinese market, which is colossal in scale because of the sheer size of the Chinese population. Moreover, the corporation has 60 percent of the higher end of the Chinese market, which is critical because the higher end comes with higher profit margins.

Stresses the Importance of the Experience

It is interesting to note that Brito has mentioned the importance of selling an experience as much as selling a product. This is the reason that Brito has gone to a fair amount of effort to pair the brands under his charge with various forms of entertainment, with examples ranging from FIFA to live-streamed music events that are popular in China.

Stresses the Importance of Values

Likewise, Brito has mentioned the importance of values, which can be seen in his corporation’s efforts to stress responsible consumption of alcohol. According to Brito, this isn’t just important for bringing in customers but also important for bringing in talent who can contribute to the corporation when they believed in its mission.

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