10 Things You Didn’t Know About Andy Marzka

Andy Marzka is an American entrepreneur and businessman. He is the current CEO of a company called AdThrive. His company is growing quickly. It focuses on the optimization of advertisements in an online environment. It’s a platform that helps to monetize websites to achieve their maximum potential for providing revenues for the owners of the sites. More businesses have been signing up for the suite of tools and services offered by the company. Mr. Marzka has done well in his career, despite turbulent economic times, but how did he do it? Here are 10 things you didn’t know about Andy Marzka that may help shed some light on his amazing success.

1. Andy Marzka occupies three roles at AdThrive

According to Crunchbase, Mr. Marzka is not only the CEO of AdThrive, but he is also the chairman and the co-owner of the business. He and his wife Kelly Marzka launched the business in 2013 in Powder Springs, Georgia. He has served as chief executive officer and chairman since the company was first established. So far, Andy has been with AdThrive for eight years and it is thriving under his leadership.

2. He likes to keep things simple

When examining the structure of Andy’s company, it’s apparent that he likes to keep things simple. He and Kelly are listed as the two core workers at the firm, in charge of its executive leadership. The business is small in size but it is growing and expanding nicely.

3. Andy participates in podcasts

According to the Food Blogger, Andy was recently interviewed on a Food Blogger Pro podcast where he spoke with a reporter for the online blog. Marzka described more about his AdThrive optimization service and explained that the platform AdThrive provides works as an ad manager that uses a variety of different technologies to automate the optimization of ads for your website. The average website owner is not an expert in ad optimization and the process can be a bit confusing unless you have a deep knowledge of how to display ads and attract a targeted audience to get the most clicks and monetary rewards for the ads that are placed on your site. It’s a means of generating additional streams of revenue and when properly optimized, these ads can cause your revenues to explode.

4. From Math teacher to CEO

According to Datanyze, before Andy and his wife launched the AdThrive platform, he was a math teacher. Andy has a natural process of thinking that is data-driven, which is one of the characteristics that made him want to pursue a profession in teaching mathematics to others.

5. AdThrive was born of an experiment

Andy started small and used his skills to help his wife Kelly to optimize her blog to optimize its revenue-generating potential. When he and Kelly saw the results of his efforts, they were amazed. Her blog’s revenues grew substantially. The Marzkas realized that the methods to optimize Kelly’s ads could be replicated. When used on other websites it would yield similar results. It took a lot of hard work to get the platform perfected, but Andy’s keen understanding of numbers served in developing a system that helps publishers find ways to make more money with very little effort.

6. His invention can deliver exponential results

A later interview with Food Blogger, revealed been more about Andy’s amazing journey. He further shared that within two weeks of using the strategies employed with AdThrive, Kelly’s website doubled its revenues. Within four months, that figure quadrupled. For those who are mathematically inclined, this is an exponential rate of revenue growth.

7. Andy is a natural teacher

The platform that Andy developed for AdThrive is complicated and a bit beyond the grasp of the average publisher. He has broken down the process into its simplest forms to explain how AdThrive takes the complicated processes to make them user-friendly and to run automatically for optimizing ads with little or no effort on the part of the users. He explains how it works, but it’s not going to cost him much in the way of clients because most people don’t want to spend a large amount of time that it takes to manually perform the steps in the process when they can obtain a software program that will do it for them. If you’re interested in learning, he explains the ins and outs in an episode of the Food Blogger podcast.

8. He is a savvy businessman

Andy Marzka built up AdThrive to a high state of profitability, then sold it to a larger company. He is still the CEO and chairman of the company, but he and Kelly entered into an agreement with Cafe Media for the acquisition, according to PRN. The acquisition was announced on September 29, 2016, and has since been completed. The amount of the purchase has not yet been made public, but it’s safe to assume that it was enough to set the Marzkas up for life.

9. He is a good role model for his students

Andy Marzka taught mathematics at high school. He stands as a strong example for his former students and all young people who have a good idea. If you have a natural talent, you can turn it into a multimillion-dollar company that you can either opt to keep or sell for a profit. It’s what Andy Marzka did.

10. Andy Marzka is a guy to keep your eye on

AdThrive was Marzka’s first entrepreneurial effort. When he applied his natural talents the results were nothing short of amazing. He is currently working at AdThrive as the CEO and chairman of the board. He has not indicated any new plans to embark on new adventures in business but he has proven that he can do so at any time he chooses. He’s an executive that bears watching as we fully expect to hear more about him in the future.

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