The Five Best Harley Davidson Super Glide Models
With roots dating as far back as 1903, Harley Davidson Motorcycles has established itself as a worldwide leader of quality motorbikes. Before gaining global recognition, the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, based American manufacturer of motorbikes first earned a nationwide reputation as a muscle machine on two wheels.
Whenever traveling down a highway, sometimes you see a group of cyclists, mostly clad in leather, roaring along with the impressive, parade of roaring motorbikes. At one point, motorcycle clubs and the brands of Harley Davidson and Indian Motorcycles had a reputation that was frowned upon by members of the general public that had a limited understanding of what they were judging against.
Over time, both of these companies have since established they don’t just cater to a certain class of consumers. They have a motorcycle for anyone, regardless of age and social status. When it was learned police departments, both within North America and overseas, trusted Harley Davidson enough to use their lineup of motorcycles as two-wheeled vehicles of choice, whatever animosity the public had towards the company softened.
Dyna Super Glide
The 2018 Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide motorcycles would mark as the final run for a series that technically got its start in 1971. The Dyna Super Glide series is based on the Dyna Glide series, which featured a chassis that had a wider variety of front ends, trim levels, and size options between smaller and larger models of this particular Harley Davidson brand.
As of 2018, the Dyna Glide platform has been discontinued in favor of the recently introduced Softail frame. Starting in 1991, the Dyna Glide series featured two distinct V-Twin lines of this particular Harley Davidson brand.
There was a smaller twin and a larger twin, which was laid out in a manner that made it easy for riders who wanted to customize their bikes. Over time, as customization became more commonplace among two-wheeled rider enthusiasts, Harley Davidson officially introduced in 1995 a registered lineup of Dyna Super Glide motorcycles. At first, the reception of this new lineup of bikes was mixed.
Many hardcore Harley Davidson fans found the boat-tail of the new lineup unattractive.
Design Improvements
In response, Harley Davidson made design improvements that would play an instrumental role in growing fan appeal towards the Dyna Super Glide series.
Over time, as new technology came about, the Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide kept up with the sign of the times to not only meet the demands of the consumer base but leave doors wide open to invite customizing options.
One of the biggest reasons why Harley Davidson has such a huge fan following is how willing they are to work with any customer who takes interest in a specific model of bike, but wants to tweak it according to their personal preferences. Like all manufacturing companies that specialize in motorcycles, Harley Davidson has lineups of many different brands and models.
Some of them have received rave reviews while some of the others haven’t been as well-favored. Among the Dyna Super Glide series, which makes the grade as some of the best?
Like all lists, it’s a matter of opinion, but when it comes to the add-up of consumer reviews and by critics who specialize in the niche of analyzing motorcycles, that is the one list that has proven to be most reliable.
5. 2015 FLD Switchback
Starting in 2012, Harley Davidson introduced a 193 cubic foot engine that would become the first touring motorcycle featuring the Super Dyna Glide as its base. This series of motorcycles also allowed optimal cruising abilities, something of which has always been a Harley Davidson standard. Considered to be the lightest custom touring motorcycle in its category, the FLD Switchback is a popular choice among aging riders who prefer to stick to the Harley Davidson brand instead of shopping with another manufacturer.
4. 2006 FXDI35 35th Anniversary Super Glide
In 2006, a new chassis and six-speed transmission were introduced to the Dyna series. This resulted in the 2006 FXDI35 35th Anniversary Super Glide. This retro-style motorcycle pays homage to the 1971 introduction of the first breed of the Dyna Glide series. Riders who already own one, plus the critics, find this model a thoroughly enjoyable bike. This bike best accommodates riders who are of short to medium height stature.
3. FXDBI Street Bob
Regarded as the quintessential modern Dyna Super Glide, is Harley Davidson’s infamous Street Bob. This stripped-down version of Dyna’s dynamic roster of its perfect platform for Big Twin performance provides the ideal canvas to customize this motorcycle in any manner the rider sees fit.
The affordability of the Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide Street Bob is inexpensive enough for a rider to have a field day with customizing ideas. Even among some riders who have a bigger budget to play with, were more in favor of Street Bob’s performance level. Like the rest of the Dyna Super Glide series, it’s an easy enough bike to work on mechanically, as well as cosmetically.
2. 2015 Super Dyna Wide Glide
Almost like a chopper on two wheels, the Dyna Wide Glide is among the favorite Dyna Super Glide models Harley Davidson has ever put forth as a series. While the Dyna Super Glides may not seem as high-end as other brands coming from the motorcycle company’s manufacturing plant, it was among the favorites for enthusiasts who preferred to invest in a more affordable ride for their budget.
It also allowed the power of one’s imagination to run wild with customizing ideas as the desire to doll up the Dyna Super Glide according to personal preference felt limitless.
1. 1999-2005 FXDX Dyna Super Glide
Advertised as a triple-disc brake with enhanced suspension, this variation of the FXDX-T Super Glide series from Harley Davidson officially made its debut on the road in 1999. Featuring improved, removable saddlebags, this model also featured a fork-mounted fairing.
It was also the first time Harley Davidson revealed its first Twin Cam engine, which was sized up to 88 cubic inches, which was an improvement from the previous 82 cubic inch Evolution engine.
From 1999 until 2005, Harley Davidson really sat up and paid attention to meet the demands of the consumers, who all voiced they wanted a motorcycle that could turn corners better.
The FXDX Super Dyna Glides for a six-year time frame did exactly this as the suspension was redesigned in a manner to allow this. The series, Sons of Anarchy, featured the character of Jax Teller, who rode the 2003 Dyna Super Glide model from Harley Davidson.
The entire Dyna Super Glide owes its rise in popularity to the series, which ran from 2008 until 2014. In fact, Harley Davidson as a whole found a brand new base of customers as fans of the show wanted to experience the feel of the two-wheeled ride for themselves.
While all it takes is a popular character from a popular show to influence an audience to favor a product, the 2003 Dyna Super Glide bike earns its merit as one of the best models belonging to the Harley Davidson roster.