How Dailymotion Still Stays Competitive in the Online Video Space

YouTube is the biggest platform for video sharing that can be found out there. However, it is far from being the sole platform for such services because there are a number of competitors that have managed to carve out niches of their own. One excellent example is Dailymotion, which sees something along the lines of 300 million unique users in a single month. For those who are unfamiliar with the name, Dailymotion started up in March of 2005. This was made possible by a total of six individuals, who pooled together six thousand euros for the purpose. However, it wasn’t too long before the new video sharing platform managed to secure more funding, seeing as how it proceeded to raise seven million euros in September of 2006.

Since that time, Dailymotion has seen some significant changes in ownership. For example, a French telecommunications corporation called Orange bought a 49 percent ownership stake in January of 2011, which was followed up by it buying the remaining 51 percent in January of 2013. Later, the French mass media conglomerate Vivendi bought an 80 percent ownership stake in 2015, which was soon upped to a 90 percent ownership stake in the same year. It is interesting to note that the French government has taken a clear interest in Dailymotion over the course of its existence, as shown by the fact that it has invested in it through the Strategic Investment Fund as well as the fact that it prevented Yahoo from buying a controlling stake in May of 2013.

Nowadays, Dailymotion is an important player in the world of video sharing even if it can’t claim the same size as YouTube. It is available to users all around the world in a total of 18 languages. Moreover, it boasts partnerships with a number of prominent entities, with examples including but not limited to Bloomberg, Hearst, and BBC News. As such, Dailymotion is something that people who are interested in the subject of video sharing should pay attention to even if they don’t make use of the platform themselves.

How Does Dailymotion Remain Competitive in the Video Space?

For the most part, Dailymotion isn’t that different from YouTube. After all, a video sharing platform is still a video sharing platform, meaning that there is a serious limit to what kinds of differences can exist between them. Still, different people can have very different priorities when it comes to video sharing, meaning that what seems minor to some people can nonetheless prove very consequential to others.

For an example of the differences that can be found between YouTube and Dailymotion, it should be mentioned that YouTube has a lot more videos. In turn, this means that YouTube has a much wider range of videos as well, meaning that it can appeal to people who are interested in subjects covered by YouTube videos but not by Dailymotion videos. However, it is interesting to note that Dailymotion can be more flexible than YouTube in some ways, with an excellent example being how Dailymotion is less trigger-happy with the takedowns when someone makes a minor copyright mistake such as accidentally including a background jingle.

With that said, it is clear that Vivendi isn’t content with just letting Dailymotion sit and gather dust, seeing as how it has been pouring a considerable amount of resources into improving its operations. One example is how the website is making more of an effort to attract people who make gaming videos and thus people who watch gaming videos, which is something that has become more and more popular in recent years. Another example is the website’s promotion of live streaming, whether that happens to be related to real life events, video games, or a wide range of other topics. Ultimately, it remains to be seen what Vivendi’s efforts will produce in the long run. Certainly, it isn’t unreasonable to assume that Dailymotion’s efforts will bring in more interested individuals, but the important question is how many interested individuals, particularly since it isn’t striking into unexplored territories but rather expanding into existing markets. However, it seems safe to say that so long as Dailymotion continues to exist, it will continue to seek to make itself ever more prominent in its chosen market.

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