How Much is the Uncharted Video Game Franchise Worth?

When it comes to video game franchises, it’s not uncommon to see a few that have made a lot of money. As a matter of fact, the whole gaming industry seems to be more popular now than it’s ever been in the past and it wasn’t exactly lacking in popularity at any point. When you think about certain video game franchises such as Uncharted, it might shock you to learn exactly how much money is involved in this industry.

If you’re not entirely familiar with this particular franchise, or even with the gaming industry as a whole, it’s important to provide a little bit of background so that you have some kind of an idea why so much money can potentially be made in this type of endeavor. Uncharted is a franchise that includes four main games and a number of offshoots that was first released just two years ago. Since that time, this third person shooter game has become one of the most popular platforms for a variety of different gaming systems. In addition, the whole franchise has spurred a number of other money-making endeavors, not the least of which include a comic book and even an adaptation for film.

Obviously, you can tell that this is an extremely popular game, even if you’re one of the few people who hasn’t played it yourself. It seems to be one of those games that is universally popular with gamers all around the world and for the most part, anyone that plays it is relatively certain fall in love with it. Like most game franchises, it releases main continuations or updates of the original game from time to time, with a number of smaller releases taking place in between. In this particular case, you might see something that’s based on a particular aspect of the main game that’s released as its own title. People still clamour to get it because it’s still part of the Uncharted franchise, even if it isn’t directly related to the main storyline. In addition, the manufacturers of the game routinely send out sequels to that main storyline in order to keep people interested. Of course, this also makes sure that people keep buying new games, effectively keeping the franchise alive and well.

In order to understand how much money there is to be made here, it’s equally important that you understand how much is typically involved in developing the game that has all of the technical bells and whistles this one does. Like most of the games of today, this is one that puts you right in the middle of the action. Many people state that they feel as though they’re really there while they’re playing the game. This requires graphics that are extremely realistic and everything has to move at a fast pace and do it smoothly. Naturally, this costs money. In the case of Uncharted, it cost something to the tune of $25 million just to make one game. To date, four games have been released that are part of the main storyline.

If that sounds like a staggering amount of money to you, you might want to know that it doesn’t even make the top 10 when it comes to the list of most expensive video games ever made. In reality, it’s not at all uncommon for game developers to spend this much money and even more. Nevertheless, it’s still a considerable chunk of change. However, this is a game that has made that amount of money and then some, many times over.

As of December of last year, the manufacturer made a public statement concerning the amount of money made by this particular franchise. At the time, it was listed at more than $42 million for one of the sequels alone. Obviously, some time has passed since then so the amount has gone up even more. Currently, the manufacturers are on the cusp of breaking the $50 million mark, effectively doubling the amount of money they spent on just one of the sequels. When you consider all of the other games in the series, as well as the comic book and film adaptation, the dollar amount goes up exponentially. In fact, you’re looking at well over $250 million in profits.

Obviously, when a game is a hit, it’s possible for a company to stake its claim to success off of a single franchise. Many others have done it in the past and now it’s being done with the Uncharted franchise. By the time it’s all said and done, nobody knows how much money they’re really is to be made but it does look like it will set a trend that will continue for several years to come.

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