Where Can You Get the Best Used Louis Vuitton Bags?

Louis Vuitton

A woman without her handbag is not fully dressed; therefore, one female Member of Parliament in Kenya caused a stir when she carried hers to the House, against parliamentary etiquette. However, it is one thing to carry any handbag but quite another to have a designer handbag. They say you cannot buy class but carrying a designer handbag puts you in your own class. Luckily, you don’t even have to spend a fortune to make that fashion statement because you can get your hands on high-quality secondhand bags. If your favorite designer is Louis Vuitton, this is your lucky day because we will tell you where to get authentic used Louis Vuitton bags.


Rebag boasts of having competitive offers for their Louis Vuitton bags despite them being secondhand. The resale company prides itself on being exclusive in designer handbags and aims to be the authority in that sector. It limits designers’ list to less than 50, with Gucci, Prada, and Chanel topping the list. According to Insider, the process of the company accepting the secondhand bag is quite rigorous, meaning that you will end up with a handbag that looks as good as new.

As a result, even their secondhand bags still are costly but are nowhere near what you would fork out for a new bag. The bottom line is you will be getting value for your money. According to Vogue Business, several factors such as the scarcity, brand, condition, and season determine the price. However, you will be glad to know that most are at 50% discounted rates, with some being sold at two-thirds of the original tice. Rebag makes the process of buying the handbag you want easy through its app, where you are spoilt for choice by the numerous offers available. If you choose to touch the goods before committing your money, you can walk into any of their strategically-located stores in New York, California, Miami, among other locations. Best of all, if you take care of your secondhand bag, you could still resell it to Rebag.

The RealReal

As published in CNBC, The RealReal is the largest online consumer marketplace for authenticated luxuries good globally. It puts itself on a pedestal by emphasizing how well it authenticates its products; hence states its products are “100% authentic.” The CEO said that they strive for perfection, but they may not be perfect every time, which is reasonable since you can only catch excellence if you chase perfection. Although the company has continued to be hailed as the leading global resale company, its authentication system has had a few flaws. One person disclosed the company sold a fake bag worth $3,600. Still, the company does its best to ensure that you end up with authentic bags or other used items you may want to buy. Its authentication process once caught 4,000 fakes out of the 490,000 items assessed, so let’s give credit where it is due.


The CEO of Fashionphile claimed that authenticating the items they receive is more of a science than an art hence they put every item through a strict screening process that entails expert staff and cutting-edge technology. The company’s experience, especially in authenticating Louis Vuitton bags, is unmatched, considering that it dealt solely with the brand when it started. The founder spent loads of time learning about how to authenticate the brand so you can be assured of getting the real deal with Fashionphile. The founder and CEO worked together on familiarizing themselves with authenticating Louis Vuitton and Chanel brands. They became so good at it they even wrote guides which Fashionphile uses to date. The scam artists who send fake bags to the company end up making a loss because they are charged a fee that can go as high as $125 for high-end brands such as Hermes. As a result, Fashionphile’s likelihood to receive counterfeits is low, which should add to your peace of mind whenever you shop with them. If you are worried about the price, they have a pricing tool that ensures you are not overcharged; it can predict the trend, and Fashionphile only raises prices for the bags affected by that specific trend.


Sometimes, you are not looking to fill your closet with lots of designer bags; you are only interested in a particular bag for that season. As such, borrowing instead of buying is more practical, and Vivrelle offers the ideal solution. According to Travel and Leisure, you can sign up for a minimum of three months to borrow from the extensive collection. The plan you choose will give you access to bags with a specific retail value.

For instance, for $99 every month, you borrow items worth $4000. $100 allows you to borrow an item from the couture selection, while $279 you get both a couture item and a Classic item. The company has found that Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Fendi, and Gucci usually are more popular, and bags are borrowed more than jewelry. Of course, even if you are borrowing for only a month, you still want to be sure you are getting an authentic designer bag. Thus, Vivrelle has a 3-step authentication process for all its products.

Even after authenticating it for themselves, they still want the product’s supplier to prove the item is authentic by providing them with its original packaging and receipts. They also hire a third-party to guarantee authenticity. The best thing about borrowing from Vivrelle is that after a month, you can pick a new item giving you a chance to “own” as many designer bags as you would want in a year. The only downside is that you are limited to borrowing only one or two items, unlike buying where you can get as many as you can afford.

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