The 10 Most Expensive Types of Sharks to Eat

Great White

While shark meat may not be at the top of everyone’s list, eating fish and various shark species is considered a delicacy by some. Various shark species actually produces a high yield of meat, and the prices on shark meat can fetch some surprising prices.

If you’re fond of fish and you’re wanting to expand your horizons, then we have some information that might be helpful. For example, shark meat is banned in 12 states in America, though it is legal elsewhere. Beyond that, we can help you decide which shark species you want to eat for your meal. 

For example, shark species like basking shark, leopard shark, mako shark, and great white shark can be fished for shark meat and turned into shark fin soup and other meals. That said, getting shark fins or shark meat from endangered sharks is not appropriate and can result in criminal fines.

We mention this because some species of shark are on the endangered species list, and for this reason, if you want to find fresh or even frozen shark meat for sale from endangered species, you’re putting yourself at risk. It’s best to just go for other shark species with lower prices. 

After all, there are a few kinds of captive sharks that are not endangered and safe to eat. Even some of these other shark species fetch a high market value, so make sure you check your area carefully.

On that note, here are the 10 most expensive types of shark to eat in the world. The fact that meals made from these predators is possible is a reminder that humans are still the ultimate link in the food chain. Note that we’ll still link endangered species here, but we encourage you to avoid them.

Our Methodology 

Not all sharks are going to be tasty: in fact, most sharks are tricky to catch and don’t have a great taste. Those rare species you can eat typically taste like other fish.

Some say that game fish sharks typically taste a bit like tuna, though blue shark and other common sharks have varying tastes. They also live in different marine ecosystems, such as the Pacific Oceans coral reefs. 

Though you can often catch some species of sharks in fishing nets, other critically endangered species of shark are harder to catch. Tragically, many species of shark suffer from habitat degradation, which makes them critically endangered.

As a result, we did a lot of research to make sure that you aren’t impacting these beautiful creatures too heavily. Our process includes the following steps:

The 10 Most Expensive Shark Meat on the Market Today 

Some of the most popular fish species have a mild flavor because their diet consists of bland foods. Others live in shallower waters, which makes them easier to catch.

These factors all impact the relative expense of dieting on these species of shark. International trade rules also affect whether or not the great hammerhead or great white shark is available in your area. 

Just as importantly, this information ensures that you don’t break any laws by mistake. After allk, these sharks are often widely protected, so you need to make sure that you pay attention to this danger to ensure that you stay legally protected.

10. Leopard Shark – The cost of a fishing trip

You will not find leopard shark meat for sale, although it’s one of the more popular types of shark meat consumed. This fish is a game fish, and the majority of people who eat it prepare the meat by grilling or frying it. Leopard sharks are native to the United States, Europe, and Mexico.

Leopard sharks are not endangered and are legal to fish, typically along the bottom of the ocean floor. Note that they tend to reproduce and grow slowly, so if you want to fish for this species, do so in limited numbers. Otherwise, you risk pushing your area’s population into a severe decline.

After all, they’re not quite as big as your typical whale shark. They’re actually a pretty small shark and, if you see them swimming through the Mediterranean Sea or other parts of the world, make sure you fish wisely. Overfishing can potentially threaten any species, so always make sure you catch only what you need.

9. Dogfish/Cape Shark – $0.19 per pound

Dogfish is the ninth most expensive type of shark on our list, coming in at a disappointing $0.19 per pound. This is due to the poor quality of the meat. It is often used in the UK for fish and chips and in other places for inexpensive fast food options. It might be best in shark soup or something mild like that.

The flavor is mild and sweet, and the texture is flaky, but it’s vital to cut away the reddish part of the meat, or it will turn brown while cooking. Unlike the basking shark, leopard shark, mako shark, or whale shark, this poor flavor isn’t likely to make the dogfish a rare fish.

Thankfully, it’s still abundant in the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, it shouldn’t be too hard to find, as long as you don’t overfish. That’s always a risk, though one person probably can’t do that big of damage to a fish as widely spread as the dogfish.

8. Black Tip Shark – $7.99 per pound

The meat of a Black tip shark is a pinkish white color with edges that are ruby red in color. The meat is large and flaky with moist flesh. Black Tip Shark is not quite as dense as most other varieties, which makes it a very popular choice for those who prefer a lighter taste. 

Thankfully, this is also not a rare fish, and home cooks should find this a pretty easy shark to cook with in their meals. Its maximum size of about 6.5 feet (not quite the size of great white sharks) means they produce a lot of meat.

Their fins are particularly in high demand, causing fishers to brave a potential shark attack from this aggressive species, so make sure that you’re careful when fishing for them.

The black tip shark isn’t a frilled shark but has a pretty obvious and distinctive tail that makes them easier to spot. They’re often found in deeper parts of the ocean, like the speartooth shark, and can be tricky to catch. That’s another reason their meat tends to run higher in price: it’s simply harder to catch the clever little predators.

7. Fox Shark – $20.60 per pound

The Fox Shark, also called the Sea Fox, is a type of Thresher shark that provides a mild flavor. The meat is very firm and has steak-like qualities with minimum flake. You can find a full description of this particular kind of shark along with a rare find offering steaks for sale.

Fishing for this shark provides a large amount of shark meat. Their milder flavor is comparable to tuna, thanks to their relatively bland prey. Note that this shark is also very well managed and available for fishing throughout most of the world. Its fins are particularly sought for shark fin soup.

When fishing for this shark, make sure you pay attention to your yield by catch. Fish species like these typically need some time to rebound after you take them out of the ocean. If you limit yourself by catch to only one or two, you should be okay.  Alternately, you can look for this fish species and others in your local fish markets to minimize overfishing.

6. Thresher Shark – $25.90 per pound

Thresher Shark meat will cost you almost $26 per pound. According to the New York Seafood Council, the nutritional value of a serving renders 17% of your daily value of cholesterol, 4% Sodium, 4% potassium, 2% carbohydrate, 3% vitamin A, 4% calcium and 5% calcium.

In addition, it offers 16 grams of protein, 12 grams of fat, and 600 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids. The meat is firm, succulent, and steak-like with a mild flavor. Found in the Atlantic and not the Pacific Ocean or Mediterranean Sea, the thresher shark is not a rare fish and is typically more common than other sharks.

In fact, they’re often called a “smart seafood choice” beyond other sharks (like the blue shark, frilled shark, or speartooth shark) because their population is so high. Unlike many sharks, they’re not hard to catch, and their range is pretty broad, making them easier to find. 

5. Putrefied Shark Meat – $26.90 per pound

Putrefied shark meat hails from an area that is just to the west of Iceland. It is called hakarl fermented shark meat. The process for preparing the meat involves burying it for several months, then bringing it out of the ground and air drying it, then cutting it into bite-sized cubes.

As one of the strangest shark meat meals in the world, the fermented shark is definitely an acquired taste. The species of shark used will vary depending on what the oceans provide. Typically, Icelanders use whatever fish they caught that morning to produce this unique meal. Sometimes, they even spear sharks as they swim by their boat. 

Generally, though, they use the Greenland shark because of its prominence in the oceans near Iceland and its easy prey. Their fins can also be used to create soup! While you probably won’t find putrefied shark meat anywhere else in the world, a trip to Iceland can bring it closer to your table.

4. Mako Shark – $30 per pound

Goldbelly’s offers Mako shark steaks for $89.90 for a steak that weighs approximately three pounds. The taste of the meat is robust. If you like the taste and texture of shark meat, mako is one of the most popular types. However, they are endangered in some areas, so check your local resources first.

Even though these sharks grow fast, they tend to get overfished, which puts them in danger. Unlike some species (particularly those in Northern Australia), mako sharks have meaty and dense flesh that tends to be darker and more moist. This separates them from other sharks around the world.

The mako also has an interesting flattened snout, distinctive gill slits, and obvious anal fins that make them look a bit like a great white shark or the Carcharodon carcharias. However, they have a long snout compared to that species and are not as aggressive as the great white. They’re also not a frilled shark, so be on the lookout.

3. Blue Shark – $33 per pound

You can find blue sharks for sale through the East Lincs Seafood online company. Blue sharks are controversial when used as a meat source because the populations are low in the oceans, and fishing for them is discouraged and looked down upon, even with their wide population range.

The blue shark is harvested wild from the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and they are a product of Vietnam. Like many shark species (such as the speartooth shark or great hammerhead), the blue shark has excellent night vision that makes them hard to catch.

Their rarity, along with the laws protecting them, drives up their price and makes them harder to afford. The taste is a little different than angelshark meat, a relatively inexpensive fish option. It’s probably a little milder, which helps explain its popularity in many parts of the world.

2. Hammerhead Shark Jerky – $79 per pound

You will not be able to find Hammerhead shark meat beyond a popular jerky form. It will cost you nearly $15 for just three ounces or $79 per pound in a tightly vacuum-sealed package. This is one type of shark meat that was previously harvested and sold in the open market. 

However, too many hammerhead sharks have been caught in recent years, and they’re at risk of endangerment. Like tuna before them, too many people have caught these fish without giving them time to rebound. As a result, prices have gone up (even as the cost of tuna remains stable). 

In fact, sales of this meat have gone underground and are even illegal in some areas. Is it worth tracking down this expensive jerky? Probably not, because if you’re caught, you’ll have to spend too much money on legal fees. Just stick to tuna jerky or other types of healthier and legal alternatives.

1. Shark Fin (for Soup) between – $200-$450 per pound

A delicious soup that is made from the fins of a shark can go for up to $100 for just one bowl. The dish is considered to be a delicacy and is served at high prices in the higher-end restaurants in Hong Kong. Over 33 different species have been found in shark fin soup, including the basking shark or cetorhinus maximus. 

The soup uses the cartilage that is found within the fins, and although it does not directly use the meat of the shark, it is still a consumable that is made from the ferocious ocean creatures. Caught sharks typically get used for more than their fins, too, with many being processed for their shark meat. 

Note that this meal is controversial, with shark attack survivors demanding it to be banned. They don’t like how these fish are caught or the fact that this soup is depleting the oceans around the world. The fins are also used indiscriminately, which could affect the health and safety of this meal.

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