The Five Best Adidas Terrex Models on the Market Today
Adidas is unparalleled when it comes to style, but many people don’t realize that the brand offers more than just street wear shoes. Adidas has evolved to become one of the leading shoemakers globally, and they have shoes for every shoe wearer you can think of. Particularly for outdoor folks who’d rather spend their days out on an adventure no matter the weather, Adidas has created the Terrex model for all their needs. Adidas Terrex is the shoe that can handle it all—rain or shine, snow or heat, and wet or dry. If you’re looking for the best outdoor shoes you can get your feet on, here are the five best Adidas Terrex shoes (in no particular order) you can buy on the market today.
1. Adidas Terrex AX2R Hiking Shoes
This is the most basic Terrex you can find. Adidas offers these shoes for men, women, and children who love to trek outdoors and find adventure. These are multifunction shoes that also happen to look good. They come in different colors, and they’re all low-cut for full range of motion around your ankles. The uppers are designed to dry as quickly as possible, which brings more than just comfort. That helps to prolong the life of the shoe and protect your feet as well. The shoes are made with lightweight materials that are also designed to perform. The soles will give you more than enough traction to keep you safely grounded wherever you may be hiking.
2. Adidas Terrex Tracefinder Boots
For a little more protection and support around the ankles, the Tracefinder boots is the way to go. These boots are as stylish as you could imagine any Adidas shoes to be, but they also bring it all when it comes to performance. These could be one of the best winter boots you could wear. The mélange-felted fabrics of the uppers are absolutely weatherproof. You can wear this during the coldest and wettest months of the year, and your feet will stay warm and completely dry. The rubber grip sole of the shoes are inspired by the Appalachian Mountains, which means that you can wear these shoes to hike upwards with no problems whatsoever.
3. Adidas Terrex Tracerocker
There’s only one reason why you would need extra traction on already high traction shoes—you’re probably running uphill like a crazy person. We call it crazy because it’s absolutely and insanely awesome, but there are a lot of folks who would rather run uphill than walk it. It’s challenging and exhilarating, and it’s sometimes the best way to get through the narrowest and most intimidating trails. The Tracerocker is probably one of the best shoes you could ever have if you belong in this category of runner. You’re guaranteed the traction you’ll need and more with this Terrex shoes.
4. Adidas Terrex Fast GTX Surround
If you want to take your outdoor shoe game to the next level, this particular Terrex will take you there. It is 100% waterproof, so it’s perfect for all sorts of weather. No rain stops a true runner or hiker anyway. It’s light to wear and completely flexible, so your feet won’t tire out so easily. Its upper is completely abrasion-resistant, which you can appreciate if you like to hike or run in wooded areas. It’s remarkably breathable, which you can also appreciate if you tend to go on longer hikes. It’s an incredible shoe that features GORE-TEX technology—that’s all you really needed to know about this one.
5. Adidas Terrex Climacool
The woods are not everyone’s cup of outdoors tea. If you’re more the water type, you’ll probably find more use with boat shoes than hiking shoes. The Climacool is the Terrex solution to the lack of proper boat shoes out there. These are not only stylish; they’ll also give you true protection and traction while you’re out exploring at sea. They’ll fit you snugly, but these shoes are breathable and comfortable. The uppers are also made with quick-drying materials, a simple feature that’s required of all boat shoes. Once you have these shoes on, you won’t want them off even when you’re back on land; they’re just that great.