10 Things You Didn’t Know about Boostability CEO Gavan Thorpe

Boostability, Inc. is the leading provider of white-labeled SEO, social media, and website-building services. This company is an international firm that helps small businesses to build a proper online presence and begin to expand and increase profits. Currently, the firm is headed by Gavan Thorpe. He has held a variety of jobs, including technical positions at Ah-ha.com and Ancestry.com. He moved on to become Vice President of Technology at Orange Soda, and finally moved on to work for Boostability.

At Boostability, he initially joined in a technical role. Soon afterwards, he was promoted to COO and named President of the firm. And in January 2017, he became the CEO of the firm – and he has done a great job at it so far. If you want to learn more about this executive, read on to hear about Ten Things You Didn’t Know about Gavan Thorpe.

He Gets Recognition

A CEO like Gavan Thorpe is bound to get some recognition for his work. In 2017, he was 5th on Comparably’s list of the top 50 CEOs. He scored 91 out of the available 100 points, solidifying his position near the top of this list. It’s worthy to note that these rankings took the opinions of the employees themselves into consideration, showing that Thorpe’s workers enjoy having him as a boss.

He Greatly Cares for His Employees

The co-founder and CTO of Boostability, Jared Turner, has expressed a lot of admiration for Gavan Thorpe. He mentions that shows great leadership, genuine respect, and always listens to the opinions of his employees. Plus, he is quite willing to collaborate on solutions – all marks of a great CEO.

He Modernized Boostability

When Thorpe joined Boostability as an Infrastructure Architect back in 2013, the company still hadn’t made use of any sort of cloud-based services. Therefore, the future CEO worked on integrating the company’s systems with the cloud. This greatly improved the versatility of the company, which was a great first move from Thorpe.

He Greatly Expanded Ancestry.com

When he was working in a technical role at Ancestry, shortly after they acquired Ah-Ha, he began working on building out their production network. He soon found great success, seeing over 400% growth throughout a fiscal year. Clearly, Thorpe was a great catch for the genealogy company.

He Believes in Being Unique

One of Gavan Thorpe’s main rules for business success is being unique. In fact, he even mentions it as the first step to growing one’s business – establishing a niche, that is. A company looking for success must define what makes them different from their competitors. He’s also careful to mention that you should not change things that are working; you could easily throw off your company’s groove by restructuring anything significant that is still functional.

He Makes Moves Quickly

Only a few months after being made CEO of Boostability, he secured a partnership with Yext. Yext is a digital knowledge management provider, disseminating and managing business information on many platforms. Thorpe was quite excited about this new business relationship, as he knows that they will be able to provide an improved service with Yext capabilities.

He Led Boostability to the Inc. 5000

Boostability was included on the Inc. 5000 list – a list of the fastest-growing companies in the states – for the fourth year in a row under the guidance of this CEO. Thorpe recognized that it was a fantastic achievement, and truly a testament to the success of his firm, as well as its clients and customers. After all, in the SEO game, as clients grow your business would grow as well.

He Identified Two Areas of Concern in Business Growth

Gavan Thorpe has identified two areas of concern for any business that wants to grow. First, he mentions that you should identify and eliminate any bottlenecks in your business plan. You should thus simplify and eliminate any unnecessary steps. Next, you should never neglect succession planning. Hiring and promoting people at the right time is crucial to keeping your company at a point where management will be actively working on making the company grow.

He Recognizes the Importance of International Expansion

The CEO is on record stating that European markets will be some of the most lucrative emerging markets over the next few years. He also attributes much of Boostability’s wild success to their entrance into the international market. It is likely that we will see further international expansion of this company in the future.

He Created a Strong Company Culture

Since he became CEO, Gavan Thorpe has attempted to create a culture of accountability and performance, but also strong camaraderie with a healthy dose of fun. It is his main goal to create something that feels like a second family for his employees. So far, it’s working out pretty well – especially considering his inclusion on Comparably’s list.

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