The Five Most Expensive Types of Cactus in the World
When you think about cacti, you probably don’t think about spending a lot of money on them. Typically, the types of cacti that most people routinely see are a lot cheaper than other types of flowers and when they are side by side in a nursery, it becomes clear fairly quickly that you can usually do better with cacti if you’re looking for something that’s more economical.
That being said, there are some more expensive versions out there. It all comes down to exactly what type of cactus you’re interested in purchasing and how much money you’re willing to spend. Below are five of the most expensive examples, ranging from the least expensive of the five to the most expensive example listed at number one.
5. Fairy Castle Cactus – $25
This is an interesting looking cactus and it got its name because in a way, it does look like some type of castle from a faraway fantasy. It’s mostly green with little white dots that are all over it, especially along the edges. You might think that $25 doesn’t sound like a lot for a cactus, but you have to keep in mind that this particular cactus is only about four inches tall.
When you look at it in that perspective, $25 is fairly pricey for something so small. In reality, this is a fairly rare cactus that’s also in high demand, so you’re lucky it doesn’t cost even more.
4. Lepismium Cruciforme Trailing Cactus – $30
The first thing you’re likely to notice with this one is that it doesn’t really even look like a cactus at all. Until you get really close to it, it looks like some completely harmless plant. It’s only upon closer inspection, much closer, that you see those tiny little spikes on the edges of the leaves. Make no mistake about it, if you actually touch it, you’re going to know it’s a cactus right away.
This is one of the more rare types of cacti so if you want one, you can expect to pay about $30 for a single potted plant that’s still in its early stages. Clearly, something that’s larger and more developed will be more expensive.
3. Sulcorebutia rauschii violacidermis – $40
This is one of the smaller types of cacti, the type that you could easily keep on your desk at the office or in your kitchen window sill. As you can see, the name is practically impossible to pronounce so most people simply refer to it as the purple cactus. Just as the name implies, it’s a rich purple in color and it’s one of the types of cacti that almost looks like a little purple Nerf ball sitting on top of the planter. It’s very attractive to look at, even for people that don’t routinely fall in love with cacti. It’s one of the pricier ones because it’s also quite rare.
2. Christmas Cactus – $55
If you’re wondering why people call this the Christmas cactus, it’s because of its vibrant colors. It has some really impressive looking red and white flowers as well as pretty green leaves and it very much looks like it embodies the very spirit of Christmas when you look at it.
These types of cacti are a little bit harder to find and to be honest, they’re almost impossible to find unless you’re in the right place around Christmas when they seem to be the most popular. If you’re looking for one, a relatively small one that’s in a planter isn’t cheap but it certainly isn’t anywhere near as expensive as the one that made first place on this list, either.
1. Saguaro Cactus – $75
If you think that $75 is a lot of money to pay for a cactus, you’re right but these types of cacti can grow as large as some smaller trees so when you look at it in that perspective, it’s a little easier to understand the cost.
These are the big types of cacti that you’ve undoubtedly seen in westerns or growing along the roadside in places like Arizona. If you want to turn your yard into a desert paradise, this is one of the easiest ways to do it and it’s still cheaper than planting a lot of different types of trees.
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