20 Things You Didn’t Know About Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers is an American financial commentator and businessman. He is one of the most respected authorities in the economics stratosphere and his advice has been sought out by businesses throughout the world. He stands as an example of what an average American can accomplish when they set their minds to it. To understand better how Mr. Rogers gained his fortune and solid reputation in the financial sector here are 10 things you probably didn’t know about him.

1. Mr. Rogers was raised in the South and earned an Ivy-league degree

James B. Rogers Jr. was born in Baltimore, Maryland in October of 1942. As of 2019, he is 77 years of age. When he was still young, the family moved to Demopolis, Alabama where he grew up. After graduating from high school he continued with his education. He was accepted at the Ivy-league school Yale University where he earned his bachelor’s degree in history in 1964.

2. His first job was on Wall Street

After graduating from Yale, Jim Rogers got her first job. It was at Dominick& Dominick on Wall Street. This was his big start in a career in finance. This was just a stepping stone on a journey that would take him to countries far away from his home country, to places where his expertise was in high demand.

3. He’s a lifelong learner and an academic

Two years after being hired at Dominick & Dominick, Mr. Rogers went back to college. He enrolled in Balliol College at the University of Oxford. He pursued a second round of bachelor’s level education in Economics, Politics, and Philosophy. He understands the value of education and he has built a solid knowledge base over multiple disciplines, which has given him a keen mental processing ability and amazing analytical skills.

4. His brilliance has been recognized

Pusan National University honored Jim Rogers with an honorary P.hD. The distinction was awarded for his outstanding contributions to the unification of Korea and the positive messages that he offered through his books. He indicated that a bright future was possible and this instilled hope into millions for the achievement of a more peaceful and highly functional world. While attending Oxford he was coxswain in 1966 for the University’s The Boat Race.

5. Jim Rogers founded several successful companies

Mr. Rogers is best known as the founder of the Soros Fund Management, as well as the Quantum Fund. These are both firms that he co-founded. In addition to this, he created the Rogers International Commodities Index, commonly referred to as RICI. He was clear that although he does not subscribe to any certain school of economic thought, his views are the most closely aligned with the Austrian School of economics.

6. He’s a financial commentator

Although James Rogers is an American citizen he serves as a financial commentator with his base in Singapore. He also serves as the Chairman of Beeland Interests, Inc.

7. He has been married three times

On a more personal note, Jim Rogers has been married twice in his life. His first marriage was to Lois Biener. The couple Wed in 1966. The marriage didn’t work out and it ended in 1969. He married his second wife Jennifer Skolnik in 1974. The marriage, like his first union, only endured for three years and it ended in 1977. Jim married Paige Parker in 2000 and the couple is still together. He is the father of 2 children.

8. Jim Rogers is still advising on investment strategies

At the age of 77 years old Jim Rogers has been around the world and he’s been in on some significant business ventures in the finance sector. His words still carry weight for investors who are looking to him for advisement on the best strategies for earning a return on their investments. He recently spoke about the dangers of investing in the US dollar. He speculates that the US dollar which is considered by many to be a safe haven, in reality, is not. He went further to say that “nobody in his right mind would buy the US dollar, but I own a lot…because I’m not in my right mind.” He further ventured that the rest of the world joins him in the insanity because he knows they’re going to buy it anyway. We must admit that this sounds more like a bit of humor on his part because he’s one of the most grounded experts in the world today. He’s far from being out of his mind.

9. Rogers is projecting a huge bear market

Jim has recently made the prediction that the US dollar is going to become so overpriced that it creates a bubble, forcing seasoned investors to sell, as he plans to do. He expects this to take place within the next two to three years. He sees the heyday for the dollar ending with a change over to the Chinese renminbi, or possibly to gold, and he foresees the “worst bear market” in his lifetime happening.

10. Jim Rogers is not investing in US stocks currently

According to Marketwatch.com, Rogers is more interested in the Russian market and he sees a bad end coming for the US dollar. This is one of the reasons why the investment guru hasn’t made any recent investments in the US market. He doesn’t mince his words when it comes to sharing his honest viewpoints on the economics of the world. He has maintained a keen sense of international market conditions and although he admits that he’s never been great at nailing down precise market timing for events, he can certainly see the handwriting on the wall. He’s been handing out free tips and opinions for decades and the majority of the time, Jim has been right. You can find much of his commentary on the financial outlook available through cnbc.com in the interviews that he’s willingly given to try to warn people about making smart investments. From his current point of view, the US market isn’t the safest bet. Although he’s waffled a bit about whether or not he will invest, he’s landed on the safer side by using discretion to avoid the US market at this time. His words are highly valued by those who are perplexed by the current market situation.

11. Jim Rogers has made a comfortable fortune

Although he is not the richest man in the world today, he is certainly very well-off financially. We learned that Jim Rogers has an estimated net worth of $300 million as of 2019. The bulk of his fortune has been made through wise investments in the stock market. Rogers has a keen understanding of when to invest, when to trade, and when to sell.

12. He’s been earning money since the age of five

Jim is one of those guys who seems to have been born with the knowledge and skills to make money. He’s an entrepreneur who got started at a very early age. When he was just five years old, he opened his first business and started selling peanuts. He’s an innovative thinker and he sees ways to earn in a manner that just seems to come naturally to him like it’s just common sense.

13. He taught at Columbia

After Rogers completed studies for his bachelor’s degree, founded his financial firms and made millions, he retired. One of the first things that he did was to travel throughout the world on a motorcycle. After he got this out of his system, he settled into a position at Columbia University. He served as a guest professor at the highly respected institution.

14. He’s appeared on several financial television shows

Jim Rogers gained a ton of recognition throughout the years after appearing on a variety of financial shows. He’s appeared on “The Dreyfus Roundtable,” as well as his own show titled “The Profit Motive with Jim Rogers.” He’s also appeared on several other shows which exposed more potential investors to his line of reasoning.

15. He’s a popular author

Jim Rogers has also authored several best-selling books on finance. One, in particular, was titled “Investment Biker” and in the book, his various international motorcycle trips are chronicled. This is reading that is fascinating for those who love to ride motorcycles and also take an interest in investing. It was for his writing about the unification of Korea that he was given an honorary Ph.D. degree. His thought processes are brilliant and his works are not only insightful when it comes to finance and investing, but they’re also entertaining.

16. He’s listed in the Guinness Book of World Records

When Jim Rogers made several trips throughout different countries in the world, he was doing it because it was something that he wanted to do. He didn’t just do it once, he made quite a few of them. Apparently, the chronicles of his trips qualified him for having traveled the most miles across the world on a motorcycle. Although that wasn’t the purpose of his activities, it was a nice bonus. Jim seemed to have a keen sense of balance when it came to managing his heavy workload by doing the things that he truly enjoys in life.

17. After retirement, he wrote several more books

Being retired just meant that Jim Rogers was going to have more time to continue writing and speaking. Jim still makes regular appearances on financial television programs, and he is still writing more books. He moved to Singapore in 2007 along with his wife Paige and two daughters where he serves as a financial commentator. His most recent book titles include “Adventure Capitalist,” and “Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World’s Best Market.

18. Rogers has a unique insight into investing based on his world view

Jim Rogers has had some very unique experiences in his life that many other investors have not. He has exposed himself to a variety of environments throughout the world through his travel. He now lives in Singapore, and he’s taken an active interest in the big world around him. In addition to being a business founder, he has created an index in the financial market and has contributed much to the current knowledge about the study of economics. He’s well-traveled, with an excellent academic background and he has a brain that is filled with knowledge and life experiences that culminate in a rich experience for analyzing current world problems and market conditions. These factors combine in the formation of his unique world-view.

19. He has an official book site on Amazon.com

Jim Rogers’ books are so popular that they have been given a special section on Amazon.com. There is a page on the online marketplace that provides an introduction to Jim as an author and gives a synopsis of his life’s story and background. It also lists his most popular written works in book form for sale.

20. The world is a richer place with Jim Rogers in it

Rogers has spent his life gaining knowledge and life experience. The knowledge that he has gained is something that he has freely shared throughout the many decades of his professional life and beyond. Even in retirement, he makes the time to carefully explain his viewpoints to those with an interest in hearing about it. He wants to see people make the best possible investments and he’s not afraid to tell it like it is, particularly when it comes to the condition of the market. He’s been an inspiration in many regards because of how he has lived his life and so generously shared the things he’s learned with others.

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