10 Things You Didn’t Know about Rahul Vohra

Rahul Vohra

Rahul Vohra is the Founder and CEO at Superhuman. According to Crunch Base, he is also a Technical Advisor at Boldstart Ventures, an investor and advisor at Partender, and an investor of sendwithus and Easy Post. He received his bachelor of arts in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge. As Robert Frost said, “my goal in life is to unite my avocation with my vocation, as my two eyes make one in sight.” Vohra is the portrait of this quote. He knew from an early age what he wanted to do. He progressed through his entrepreneurial career. He’s continually expanding his knowledge and still as passionate about his career path as he was when he was a child. Additionally, the moves he’s made through his career have been savvy and well-timed. These two traits have made him succeed in several different businesses and considering his age, it will be exciting to see what comes next. These are ten things you didn’t know about Rahul Vohra.

1. Multiple successes

In 2010, he started the company Rapportive, which allowed people to see what the senders in their inboxes looked like. Additionally, you could see the sender’s recent tweets and links to social media profiles to determine how legitimate the email was. The concept was so well received that Rapportive was bought by LinkedIn

2. Moving forward

It was his time with Rapportive where he came up with the concept for his next business, Super Human. Vohra noticed how clunky email clients like Gmail were and that the inboxes were filling up quicker every year with the influx of junk mail. Moreover, it was slowing people’s computers. His idea was an email client so fast that the user didn’t have to scroll with a mouse. Additionally, they could work offline, and native plugins like Google were already preinstalled. Vohra also focused on making the client light so it wouldn’t take up a lot of space on the computer.

3. Serial Entrepreneur

Before his two successful companies, he had many additional ideas that never took off. According to Sales Flare, Vohra had ideas for between six and seven companies in various industries, including video games and a site similar to Kickstarter. Additionally, he asserts he’s never had a real job, although he worked as a project manager at Linked In.

4. School of life

Vohra never finished his Ph.D. While in school, he was studying machine learning and computer vision, and pattern recognition. However, Vohra began to see that he was in the program because he wanted to start a company. So, he left the program after only a year and a half. For a brief time, he helped people at the University write their business plans to begin to network and raise money for his startup.

5. Childhood aspirations

Vohora got into programming at age eight. Since he was waiting for his parents to pick him up from school, he went to the library and read books on programming computers. As he got older, he began to learn computer languages, including visual basic and C++. Vohra feels that by the time he was 18, he already had a college education with the number of programming hours he did. However, college allowed him to focus on the theory of programming and learn valuable entrepreneur skills. He estimates by the time he started college, he already had 10000 hours of programming.

6. Video Games

When he was younger, he developed a video game similar to Mortal Combat and Smash Brothers called Stick Fighter. Everything he did was based on a physics engine. Therefore, when characters fought each other, any bone damage was based on several factors like how they moved and where they struck. Essentially, it mirrored real-life fighting more than the typical fighting games.

7. Entreprenuerial Spirit

Both of Vorha’s parents were doctors who both did intensive research. As a child, he saw them constantly busy with additional projects, including research and soldiers returning home. Vohra saw their work ethic and constant drive, which was much like an entrepreneur. This early path instilled the same spirit making him want to forge his own way instead of working for a company.

8. Looking Up

Even though Vohra didn’t have any role models when starting out on his path, there was one encounter he remembers that had a profound effect on him. Jonathan Siegel owned two logging companies, Airbake and Hoptoad, but after selling them, he began to invest in other startups. Vohra and Siegel became friends. So, one day, Vorha went into his office and pitched him a new idea. However, Siegel wasn’t impressed. Whiles sitting in his office, he helped the up-and-coming entrepreneur with a better pitch.

9. Free Time

During Vorha’s free time, he still plays games. Mostly he plays Dungeons and Dragons instead of an online video game. He feels that the game helps his creativity. Moreover, he has a love for storytelling, and he feels that this keeps his improvisations and storytelling skills sharp. Additionally, he takes time during Christmas to play the hottest video games of the year and thinks that he can learn a lot from how product designers put video games to work. Even though Vohra works long hours and is constantly striving for success, he understands that it is important to take time for recreation to work at your full potential.

10. Advice

Vohra has read extensively about his industry which makes him a successful entrepreneur. Yet, there was one standout piece of advice that has stuck with him since his early days at Rapporitve. James Lindenbaum, CEO of Heroku, told him to clear his mind and keep a singular focus so you don’t split your time and end up with two unsuccessful ventures. When Vohra looks back, he realized that it was sound advice he didn’t take during the early days of his career.

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