How Ringo Starr Achieved a Net Worth of $350 Million

If you have had your pulse on the music world at any time this century, then you are well aware of who Ringo Starr is. He is a household name and is highly revered by musicians the world over. He is best known in his role as the drummer for the Beatles. He has done much more than that in his life, however, and it has made him quite a bit of money. In fact, he is widely believed to be the 10th richest rocks star currently alive today. That is quite the accomplishment. He obviously knows how to make some money, as his current net wort is estimated at $350 million. That is quite a staggering amount. Continue reading to learn more about how he was able to achieve this.

Who is Ringo Starr?

To begin, people know the celebrity of Ringo Starr as being a musician from Liverpool, England. In his heyday, he both sang and wrote songs. That is quite the combination. He was also a drummer for the Beatles, so you know that he has his fair share of talent. He was actually born in Dingle, Liverpool back in 1940. He almost did not make it out of childhood, as he was stricken with a severe case of appendicitis when he was six years old. This would actually put him a coma for several days.

Even though he was young, this experience would change his life. He would recover from his appendicitis and was eventually discharged from the hospital. While school was in session at the time, he chose not to return and talked his parents into letting him stay home and focus on music instead. Obviously, that would end up being a profitable idea in the end. It was evident that Ringo was quite the musician, and he showed this from an early age. It started with him listening to every type of music that he would come into contact with. That progressed to him teaching himself a variety of instruments, with drums being the most prolific of them all.

How He Got To This Point

Knowing how to play music and earning $350 million are two different things. A lot of people love music and understand. Ringo, however, is different. He was able to do things with drums that people had never seen or heard before. This quickly led to him beginning his career with a Skiffle band. This is when he became known by the nickname of Ringo. He was called this because of how many rings he would wear while playing.

He would play this band as a teenager, eventually adopting the name Ringo Starr. This is how everyone in the world, it seems, knows him today. That is except for his mother who gave him the name Richard Starkey at birth. That being said, we should not mention that he would meet the band that was the Beatles in 1960. Needless to say, they were impressed with what they saw and heard. They would keep in touch for the next couple of years, after which time they asked Ringo to join the band full time. The rest, as they say, is musical history. This would be the start of him earning hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of his career.

Life Away From the Beatles

It is not just his time with the Beatles that earned Ringo so much money. Not long after joining the band, he was able to begin acting. He also was the vocalist for the single ‘Act Naturally. It was not long after this that he once again became extremely ill. This would lead him into a period of his life where he isolated himself from nearly everyone that he knew. However, just like the bout with appendicitis, he would eventually snap himself out of it. His return to the band had him being the lead singer for ‘Yellow Submarine’. You would be hard pressed today to find anyone who has not heard this song.

Ringo was not just popular in the ’60s. It was in 1992 when he released what would be his first studio album since back in 1983. This was titled ‘Time Takes Time’. Not two years after this release came the ‘Beatles Anthology’. This was a project that he worked on with other members of the Beatles. It was a resounding success and earned millions upon millions of dollars.

If you have had your pulse on the music world at any time this century, then you are well aware of who Ringo Starr is. He is a household name and is highly revered by musicians the world over. He is best known in his role as the drummer for the Beatles. He has done much more than that in his life, however, and it has made him quite a bit of money. In fact, he is widely believed to be the 10th richest rocks star currently alive today. That is quite the accomplishment. He obviously knows how to make some money, as his current net worth is estimated at $350 million. That is quite a staggering amount.

In Conclusion…

Ringo is not just a drummer. He put out successful album after successful album as a solo singer. It was just recently, in 2012, that he released Ringo 2012. Not long after that release, there was an All Starr band that would be put together and they went touring around the Pacific Rim together. This was profitable as well and earned him legions of new fans.

So, that is how Ringo Starr has earned more than $350 million. He is still going strong, having just recently released yet another studio album. It is amazing to consider how this all started as a six-year-old boy who basically refused to go back to school. He chose instead to focus on his passion. We seem to think that children are not old enough to know what they want to do with the rest of their lives, but Ringo has obviously proven that wrong.

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