10 Things You Didn’t Know about Amgen CEO Robert Bradway
Robert Bradway is the Chief Executive Officer of Amgen. The company itself is an extremely large pharmaceutical company that is responsible for manufacturing some of the most frequently used prescription medications in the United States and other countries. Clearly, this is not a position that one achieves without a great deal of hard work and maybe a little luck thrown in on the side. If you want to know more about Bradway and how he achieved his place in his professional life, read about these 10 things regarding him listed below.
1. He definitely has had a good education
He chose to go to college at Amherst College and then continue his education at Harvard University. He had his sights set high from the very moment he graduated from high school and even before then, he knew what he wanted to do and how he was going to go about achieving it.
2. He has a degree in science
While he was in college, he received a bachelor’s degree in biology. This is probably one of the most difficult tracks that anyone can choose. Nevertheless, he studied hard, stayed the course and before long, he was seeing his dreams become a reality.
3. He didn’t get his start in business
If you think that he set out to be a businessman from the beginning, you’d be wrong. As a matter of fact, he became a medical doctor first. He didn’t get his start in business until he served as a liaison for a company that dealt with biological sciences in London. It was then that he decided that it would be possible for him to maintain his position as a doctor and still work as a professional in business.
4. He actually took a very unique approach
This is definitely not an approach that most people take. For the most part, individuals decide that they either want to be involved in business or they want to be in medicine and they take one course or the other. It’s very rare that you find someone that’s capable of doing both and doing them equally well.
5. His business skills have spanned the globe
As previously mentioned, he was serving as a medical liaison for a company in London. This was a company that also had offices in New York and it wasn’t long before he was transferred to that office. From there, he has been able to expand his knowledge in business and find an unparalleled level of success.
6. He has always had various professional interests
While he didn’t set out to have a career in business, he’s always been interested in it. When he was offered the position in London, he saw it as a way to use his medical background in order to achieve a new avenue of interest, effectively combining two things that he loved and cared deeply about and still being able to make a good living at the same time.
7. He knows what a strong education can do for someone
Obviously, he wouldn’t have been able to achieve any of these things if he hadn’t gotten a good education. He has never forgotten that it was his initial college education that prepared him for his success.
8. He works hard to inspire young individuals
As such, he always remembers that he was inspired as a young adult and he tries to pass that torch along to other people who are younger than him. He wants them to understand early on that getting a good education can truly set the foundation for everything else they will do in life, even if they don’t realize it fully at the time. He serves as walking proof that a good education can make all the difference and he wants to pass that message along to others.
9. He has expertise in a number of different types of companies
He hasn’t just worked for pharmaceutical companies. While that definitely been his main focus, he’s also worked for Boeing. Nine times out of ten, he’s found a way to use his medical background in order to find success in business but he loves having the opportunity to stretch his wings and do something that challenges him.
10. He knows that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible
In addition to a good education, he’s always quick to tell people that if they really want something, they have to work for it and they can’t quit when the going gets rough. He knows that for anyone who is willing to put in the time and the effort and who stays the course, great things are possible.